- Algèbre commutative combinatoire
- Algèbre et géométrie appliquées et computationnelles
- Algèbres de Hopf et catégories de tenseurs
- Algèbres de Von Neumann et leurs applications
- Analyse géométrique
- Analyse harmonique et problèmes inverses
- Applications des mathématiques en cryptographie
- Approches de Morse, Conley et Forman en dynamique lisse et discrète
- Classification des algèbres C* moyennables
- Cohomologie des groupes
- Combinatoire algébrique finie et applications
- Combinatoire extrémale et probabiliste
- Communications libres
- Conférence publique
- Conférences plénières
- Conférences prix du CMA
- Conférenciers invités
- Contrôle des équations aux dérivées partielles
- Corps finis: théorie et applications
- Dernières tendances en cycles algébriques, K-théorie algébrique et motifs
- Dynamique Symbolique
- Dynamique arithmétique
- Dynamique des fluides incompressibles
- Dynamique topologique et algèbres d'opérateurs
- Feuilletages holomorphes et singularités des représentations et des espaces
- Forme, homotopie et attracteurs
- Groupes discrets et algèbres des opérateurs
- Groupes en géométrie et en topologie
- Groupes et algèbres
- Géométrie arithmétique et sujets reliés
- Géométrie des cordes
- Géométrie des équations différentielles, réelles et complexes
- Géométrie et combinatoire des complexes cellulaires
- Géométrie et physique des fibrés de Higgs
- Géométrie et topologie quantitatives
- Géométrie fractale et systèmes dynamiques
- Géométrie non commutative et quantification
- Interactions entre la théorie des groupes géométrique, la topologie et la géométrie en basse dimension, et la dynamique
- Interactions entre la théorie des modèles, l’analyse et la topologie
- La symétrie en algèbre, en topologie et en physique
- Le calcul en théorie des groupes et ses applications
- Marches quantiques, marches quantiques ouvertes, calcul quantique et sujets connexes
- Mathématiques appliquées et modélisation numérique à travers l’Amérique
- Mathématiques des phases quantiques de la matière et de l'information quantique
- Modèles et méthodes en équations différentielles évolutives sur échelles mixtes
- Optimisation et contrôle
- Packings mous, amas imbriqués et matière condensée
- Physique mathématique
- Plusieurs variables complexes
- Prix Jeffery-Williams SMC
- Prix Krieger-Nelson SMC
- Probabilité libre et ses applications
- Problèmes computationnels inverses : de la modélisation multi-échelle à la quantification de l'incertitude
- Problèmes variationnels non locaux
- Progrès en analyse, ÉDP et applications connexes
- Progrès en théorie des arrangements
- Progrès en théorie des nombres algébrique et analytique
- Progrès récents en analyse de la dynamique des maladies
- Périodes et motifs
- Représentation des algèbres de Lie
- Représentations de Galois et formes automorphes
- Session de recherche étudiante - SMC-comÉtud
- Singularités de la matière condensée et transitions de phases
- Spectre et dynamique
- Symétries des variétés symplectiques et sujets connexes
- Systèmes hamiltoniens en dimension finie et infinie
- Systèmes hamiltoniens et mécanique céleste
- Séance d’affiches étudiantes
- Tendances actuelles en combinatoire
- Théorie de jauges et géométrie spéciale
- Théorie de la représentation des algèbres
- Théorie des nombres et analyse
- Théorie des opérateurs sur des espaces de fonctions
- Théorie des probabilités
- Théorie géométrique des groupes
- Variétés et algèbre de Calabi-Yau Algebra
- Équations aux dérivées partielles (ÉDP) non linéaires
- Équations aux dérivées partielles non linéaires et stochastiques
- Équations de la mécanique des fluides : analyse
- Équations de la mécanique des fluides : analyse numérique
- Équations dispersives non linéaires
Organisateurs :
- Sara Faridi (Dalhousie University)
- Susan Morey (Texas State University)
- Rafael Villarreal (Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 111]
- 11:45 Chris Francisco (Oklahoma State University), Borel ideals with two Borel generators and Koszulness
- 12:15 Sarah Mayes-Tang (Quest University), Betti tables of graded systems of ideals
- 14:15 Augustine O'Keefe (Connecticut College), Bounds on the regularity of toric ideals of graphs
- 14:45 Jorge Neves (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Regularity of the vanishing ideal over a parallel composition of paths
- 15:45 Luis Nunez-Betancourt (University of Virginia), Graph connectivity via homological invariants
- 16:15 Susan Cooper (North Dakota State University), The Waldschmidt Constant For Monomial Ideals
- 17:00 Jennifer Biermann (Hobart and William Smith Colleges), Colorings of simplicial complexes and vertex decomposability
- 17:30 Jay Schweig (Oklahoma State University), The type defect of a simplicial complex
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 111]
- 11:45 Adam Van Tuyl (McMaster University), Algebraic properties of circulant graphs
- 12:15 Sonja Mapes (University of Notre Dame), Computing projective dimension of monomial ideals via associated hypergraphs and lcm-lattices
- 14:15 Art Duval (University of Texas at El Paso), A non-partitionable Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complex, and implications for Stanley depth
- 14:45 Anton Dochtermann (Texas State University), Trees, skeleta, and combinatorics of monomial chip-firing ideals
- 15:45 Maryam Ehya Jahromi (Dalhousie University), Whitney's Theorem and Subideals of Monomial Ideals
- 16:15 Kuei-Nuan Lin (Penn State Greater Allegheny), Generalized Newton Complementary Duals of Monomial Ideals
- 17:00 Carlos Valencia-Oleta (Cinvestav-IPN), The combinatory of the arithmetical structures of the path
- 17:30 Sandra Spiroff (The University of Mississippi), Combinatorial aspects of intersection algebras
Organisateurs :
- Carina Curto (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Alicia Dickenstein (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Luis David Garcia Puente (Sam Houston State University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 205]
- 11:45 Elizabeth Gross (San Jose State University, USA), Joining and Decomposing Reaction Networks
- 12:15 Gregory G. Smith (Queen's University, Canada), Resolutions of Toric Vector Bundles
- 14:15 Rafael Villarreal (Cinvestav, Mexico), Minimum distance functions of complete intersections
- 14:45 Katie Morrison (University of Northern Colorado, USA), Algebraic Signatures of Convex and Non-Convex Neural Codes
- 15:45 Vladimir Istkov (The Pennsylvania State University , USA), Detecting non-linear rank via the topology of hyperplane codes.
- 16:15 Guillermo Matera (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina), On the bit complexity of polynomial system solving
- 17:00 Ezra Miller (Duke University, USA), Algebraic data structures for topological summaries
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 205]
- 11:45 Jon Hauenstein (University of Notre Dame , USA), Equilibria of the Kuramoto model
- 12:15 Sara Kalisnik Verovsek (Brown University, USA), Tropical Coordinates on the Space of Persistence Barcodes
- 14:15 Stephen Watt (University of Waterloo, Canada), Toward Gröbner Bases of Symbolic Polynomials
- 14:45 Luis David Garcia Puente (Sam Houston State University, USA), Gr\"obner bases of neural ideals
- 15:45 Carlos Valencia (Cinvestav, Mexico), Some algorithmic aspect of arithmetical structures
- 16:15 Alan Veliz Cuba (University of Dayton, USA), On the Perfect Reconstruction of the Structure of Dynamic Networks
- 17:00 Carina Curto (The Pennsylvania State University , USA), Emergent dynamics from network connectivity: a minimal model
Organisateurs :
- Nicolás Andruskiewitsch (niversidad Nacional de Córdoba)
- Dmitri Nikshych (University of New Hampshire)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-215]
- 11:45 Victor Ostrik (University of Oregon, USA), Modular extensions group of a symmetric tensor category.
- 12:15 István Heckenberger (University of Marburg, Germany), Some examples of PBW deformations
- 14:15 Vladislav Kharchenko (Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico), Free braided nonassociative Hopf algebras and Sabinin $\tau $-algebras
- 14:45 Mikhail Kotchetov (Memorial University, Canada), Applications of affine group schemes to the study of gradings by abelian groups
- 15:45 Sonia Natale (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina), On the classification of almost square-free modular categories.
- 16:15 Julia Plavnik (Texas A&M University, USA), On classification of super-modular categories by rank
- 17:00 Eric Rowell (College Station, USA), Metaplectic Modular Categories
- 17:30 César Galindo (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia), Fermionic Modular Categories
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-215]
- 11:45 Pavel Etingof (MIT, USA), A counterexample to the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
- 12:15 Milen Yakimov (Louisiana State University, USA), Prime spectra of 2-categories and categorification of open Richardson varieties
- 14:15 Cris Negron (MIT, USA), Small quantum groups associated to Belavin-Drinfeld triples
- 14:45 Cristian Vay (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina), On projective modules over finite quantum groups
- 15:45 Yinhuo Zhang (Hasselt, Belgium), Reconstruction of monoidal categories from their invariants
- 16:15 Gastón Andrés García (Universidad de La Plata, Argentina), On the determination of algebraic quantum subgroups
- 17:00 Mitja Mastnak (Saint Mary's University, Canada), Bialgebras and coverings
- 17:30 Costel Gabriel Bontea (University of New Hampshire, USA), Classifying pointed braided finite tensor categories
Organisateurs :
- Dietmar Bisch (Vanderbilt University)
- David Penneys (The Ohio State University)
- Román Sasyk (Universidad de Buenos Aires and Instituto Argentino de Matemática)
- Thomas Sinclair (Purdue University, USA)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 179]
- 11:45 Alexandru Nica (University of Waterloo, Canada), A theorem of the central limit type, in the framework of the infinite symmetric group
- 14:15 Emily Redelmeier (ISARA Corporation), Diagrammatic techniques for real and quaternionic matrices: finite case and asymptotics
- 14:45 Rolando de Santiago (University of Iowa, USA), Product Rigidity for Non-Prime Group von Neumann Algebras
- 15:45 Thomas Sinclair (Purdue University, USA), Robinson forcing in C*-algebras
- 16:15 Isaac Goldbring (UC Irvine, USA), Explicit sentences distinguishing McDuff's II$_1$ factors
- 17:00 Marcelo Laca (University of Victoria, Canada), KMS states of the C*-algebras of quasi-lattice ordered semigroups
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 179]
- 11:45 Ionut Chifan (University of Iowa, USA), Rigidity in group von Neumann algebra
- 14:15 Roman Sasyk (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), On the Classification of Free Araki Woods Factors
- 14:45 Lauren Ruth (UC Riverside, USA), von Neumann dimension for lattices in PGL(2,F), F a local non-archimedean field
- 15:45 Brent Nelson (UC Berkeley, USA), Derivations on non-tracial von Neumann algebras
- 16:15 Paul Skoufranis (York University, Canada), Majorization in Von Neumann Algebras
- 17:00 Cesar Galindo (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Columbia), Coideal subalgebras of some Kac algebras
- 17:30 Bradd Hart (McMaster Universty, Canada), Theories of II$_1$ factors
Organisateurs :
- Pengfei Guan (McGill University)
- Fernando Coda Marques (Princeton University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B23]
- 11:45 Sergio Almaraz (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil), On Yamabe type problems on manifolds with boundary
- 14:15 Dan Ketover (Princeton University, USA), Free boundary minimal surfaces of unbounded genus
- 15:45 Xin Zhou (MIT, USA), Min-max minimal hypersurfaces with free boundary
- 17:00 Davi Maximo (University of Pennsylvania, USA), On Morse index estimates for minimal surfaces
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B23]
- 11:45 Ailana Fraser (UBC, Canada), Minimal submanifolds in manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature
- 14:15 Lu Wang (University of Wisconsin, USA), Asymptotic structure of self-shrinkers of mean curvature flow
- 15:45 Jose Espinar (IMPA, Brazil.), Fully nonlinear version of the Min-Oo Conjecture
- 17:00 Siyuan Lu (McGill University), Isometric embedding and quasi-local type inequality
Organisateurs :
- Akram Aldroubi (Vanderbilt University)
- Pedro Gonzalez Casanova (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Javad Mashreghi (Université Laval)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Trottier Bldg., Rm 2110]
- 11:45 Jean-Pierre Gabardo (McMaster University), Weighted Beurling densities and sampling theory
- 12:15 Pilar Herreros (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Boundary Rigidity with nonpositive curvature
- 14:15 Ben Adcock (Simon Fraser University), Robustness to unknown error in sparse regularization
- 14:45 Qiyu Sun (University of Central Florida), Phaseless sampling and reconstruction of real-valued signals in shift-invariant spaces
- 15:45 Laura De Carli (Florida International University), p-Riesz bases in quasi shift invariant spaces
- 16:15 Sui Tang (John Hopkins University), Phase retrieval of evolving signals from space-time samples
- 17:00 Kasso A. Okoudjou (University of Maryland), The HRT Conjecture for real-valued functions
- 17:30 Zuhair Nashed (University of Central Florida), Perturbation Theory of Generalized Inverse Operators and Ill-Posed Inverse Problems
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Trottier Bldg., Rm 2110]
- 11:45 Galina Garcia (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), A source reconstruction algorithm for the Stokes system from local and missing velocity measurements
- 12:15 Bin Han (University of Alberta), Directional Complex Tight Framelets with Applications to Image Processing
- 14:15 Magali Louise Marie Folch (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)), Smoothing operators coming from the Navier equation in elasticity
- 14:45 Ahmad Zayed (University of De Paul, USA), A New Two-Dimensional Fractional Fourier Transform and the Wigner Distribution
- 15:45 Matthew Hirn (Michigan State), Learning many body physics via wavelet scattering transforms
- 16:15 Giang Tran (University of Texas Austin), Sparse Optimization in Learning Governing Equations for Time Varying Measurements
- 17:00 Laurent Baratchart (INRIA), Inverse potential problems in divergence form on surfaces: non-uniqueness
Organisateurs :
- Francis N. Castro (Puerto Rico University)
- T. Aaron Gulliver (University of Victoria)
- Amr Youssef (Concordia University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Room Cartier I & II]
- 11:45 Sihem Mesnager (, University of Paris 8, Paris 13 and Telecom ParisTech), Recent advances on bent functions for symmetric cryptography
- 12:15 Claude Crépeau (McGill University), Relativistic Commitments and Zero-Knowledge Proofs
- 14:45 Francis N. Castro (Universidad de Puerto Rico Mayaguez), Diophantine Equations with Binomials Coefficents and Perturbations of Symmetric Boolean Functions
- 15:15 Dr. Valentin Suder (UVSQ), Two Notions of Differential Equivalence on Sboxes
- Vendredi 28 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Room Cartier I & II]
- 11:45 Daniel Panario (Carleton University), Ambiguity, deficiency and differential spectrum of low degree normalized permutation polynomials over finite fields
- 12:15 Jintai Ding (Cincinnati University), Post-Quantum Key Exchange from the LWE
- 14:15 Petr Lisonek (Simon Fraser University), Non-existence results for vectorial bent functions with Dillon-type exponents
- 14:45 Kenza Guenda (Victoria University), A Secure New Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem
Organisateurs :
- Marcio Gameiro (University of São Paulo at São Carlos)
- Tomasz Kaczynski (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Ketty A. de Rezende (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 70]
- 11:45 Ketty A. de Rezende (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil), Homological Tools for Understanding Dynamical Systems
- 14:15 Dahisy Lima (Northwestern, USA), Extracting Dynamical Information from a Morse-Novikov Spectral Sequence
- 14:45 Mariana Silveira (UFABC - São Paulo, Brazil), Bifurcation detected by a Spectral Sequence in the Morse-Smale Setting
- 15:45 Hiroshi Kokubu (Kyoto, Japan), Global dynamics of systems with steep nonlinearities
- 16:15 Hiroe Oka (Ryukoku , Japan), Detecting Morse Decompositions of the Global Attractor of Regulatory Networks by Time Series Data
- 17:00 Pawel Pilarczyk (CSUCI, USA), Progress in algorithmic computation of the homological Conley index map
- 17:30 Ewerton Vieira (UF – Goiás, Brazil), Detecting Bifurcations via Transition Matrix
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 70]
- 11:45 Marian Mrozek (UJ Krakòw, Poland), Conley index theory for sampled dynamical systems
- 14:15 Bogdan Batko (UJ Krakòw, Poland), Weak Index Pairs and the Conley Index for Discrete Multivalued Dynamical Systems
- 14:45 Naiara Vergian de Paulo Costa (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Multiplicity of periodic orbits and homoclinics for Hamiltonian systems in $\mathbb{R}^4$
- 15:45 Umberto Hryniewicz (UFRJ – Rio, Brazil), Index pairs associated to finite-energy foliations
- 17:00 Panel Discussion, Panel Discussion
Organisateurs :
- George Elliott (University of Toronto)
- Benjamin Itza-Ortiz (Autonomous University of Hidalgo)
- Fernando Mortari (UFSC)
- Zhuang Niu (University of Wyoming)
Organisateurs :
- Jose Maria Cantarero (CIMAT Merida)
- Eric M. Friedlander (University of Southern California)
- T. Benedict Williams (University of British Columbia)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 70]
- 11:45 Thomas Church (Stanford University), Asymptotic representation theory over $\mathbb{Z}$ and cohomology of arithmetic groups
- 12:15 Rita Jimenez (Instituto de Matematicas, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Oaxaca), On the cohomology of spaces of maximal tori in classical Lie groups
- 14:15 Dev Sinha (University of Oregon, USA), Cohomology of symmetric and alternating groups
- 14:45 Gabriel Minian (Universidad de Buenos Aires), A new test for studying asphericity of group presentations and Whitehead's asphericity question
- 15:45 Daniel Juan Pineda (Centro de Ciencias Matematicas, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Morelia), On the geometric dimension for classifying spaces for mapping class groups
- 16:15 David Sprehn (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Stable Homology of Classical Groups
- 17:00 Bernardo Uribe (Universidad del Norte), Morita Equivalence of pointed fusion categories
- 17:30 Christopher Drupieski (DePaul University), Some graded analogues of one-parameter subgroups and applications to the cohomology of graded group schemes
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 70]
- 11:15 Daniel Nakano (University of Georgia), Bilinear and Quadratic Forms of Rational Modules of Split Reductive Groups
- 11:45 Jon Carlson (University of Georgia, USA), Separable rings in stable category over cyclic~$p$-groups
- 13:45 Julia Pevtsova (University of Washington), Detection of nilpotence and projectivity for finite unipotent group schemes
- 14:15 Noe Barcenas (Centro de Ciencias Matematicas, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Morelia), Stable Finiteness Properties of Infinite Discrete Groups
- 14:45 Alejandro Adem (University of British Columbia), Free Finite Group Actions on Rational Homology Spheres
- 15:15 Ian Hambleton (McMaster University), Group cohomology with group ring coefficients
- 16:15 Christopher Bendel (University of Wisconsin-Stout), Good filtrations of tensor products
- 16:45 Jose Cantarero (CONACYT -CIMAT Merida), Benson-Carlson duality for p-local finite groups
Organisateurs :
- Steven Dougherty (University of Scranton)
- Kenza Guenda (University of Victoria)
- T. Aaron Gulliver (University of Victoria)
- IIias Kotsireas (Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Edgar Martinez-Moro (University of Valladoid)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Salon International I & II]
- 14:15 Edgar Martinez Moro (University of Valladolid), New Avenues for Test Sets in Coding Theory
- 14:45 Ángeles Vazquez-Castro (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, UAB), Wiretap Coset Coding in the Transform Domain
- 15:45 Padmapani Seneviratne (Texas A&M, University), Paley type bipartite graphs and self-dual codes
- 16:15 Alberto Ravagnani (University of Toronto), Combinatorics and covering radius of rank-metric error-correcting codes
- 17:00 Felice Manganiello (Clemson University), Representations of the Multicast Network Problem
- 17:30 Michael O’Sullivan (Saint Diego University), Maximal $t$-path traceable graphs
- Vendredi 28 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Salon International I & II]
- 14:15 Tim Alderson (University of New Brunswick), Constructions and bounds on 3-D Optical Orthogonal Codes
- 14:45 Claudio Qureshi (IMECC, Brazil), Periods of iterations of mappings over finite fields with restricted preimage sizes
- 15:45 Nuh Aydin (Kanyon College), Recent Methods of Constructing New Linear Codes over $\mathbb{Z}_4$
- 16:15 Jonathan Jedwab (Simon Fraser University), Costas cubes
- 17:00 Steve Szabo (Eastern Kentucky University), Some Minimal Rings
- 17:30 Jay Wood (Western Michigan University), Groups of isometries of additive codes over $GF(q)$
Organisateurs :
- Robert Morris (IMPA)
- Wojciech Samotij (Tel Aviv University)
- Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U.,Arts Building, W-120]
- 11:45 Eyal Lubetzky (NYU), Comparing mixing times on sparse random graphs
- 12:15 Lutz Warnke (Georgia Tech), Packing nearly optimal $R(3,t)$ graphs
- 14:15 Paul Smith (Tel Aviv University), Towards universality in bootstrap percolation
- 14:45 Asaf Ferber (MIT), Spanning universality property of random graphs
- 15:45 Gweneth McKinley (MIT), Counting H-free graphs for bipartite H
- 16:15 Julian Sahasrabudhe (University of Memphis), Exponential Patterns in Arithmetic Ramsey Theory
- 17:00 Jacob Fox (Stanford), Arithmetic progressions, regularity lemmas, and removal lemmas
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U.,Arts Building, W-120]
- 11:45 Maya Stein (Universidad de Chile), Tree embeddings
- 12:15 Jan Volec (McGill University), The codegree threshold of K4-
- 14:15 Simon Griffiths (PUC-RIO), Multi-coloured urns on graphs, and co-existence
- 14:45 Peter Allen (LSE), Sparse hypergraph regularity
- 15:45 Louigi Addario-Berry (McGill University), Voronoi cells in random maps
- 16:15 Mathias Schacht (University of Hamburg), The three edge theorem
- 17:00 David Conlon (University of Oxford), Unavoidable patterns in words
Organisateurs :
- Gantumur Tsogtgerel (McGill University, Canada)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B45]
- 11:45 Abdullahi Adem (North-West University), Multiple wave solutions and conservation laws of the Date-Jimbo-Kashiwara-Miwa (DJKM) equation via symbolic computation
- 12:15 Karim Samei (Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.), Singleton Bounds for R-additive Codes
- 14:15 Lahcen Laayouni (Al Akhawayn University), On the efficiency of the Algebraic Optimized Schwarz Methods
- 14:45 Pedro Pablo CARDENAS ALZATE (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira), The Zhou’s method for solving delay differential equations applied to biological models
- 15:45 Domingo Tarzia (CONICET and Universidad Austral), The one-phase Stefan problem with a latent heat of fusion depending of the position of the free boundary and its velocity
- 16:15 Nazish Iftikhar (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore Campus, Pakistan.), Classifying Robertson-Walker scale factor using Noether’s approach
- 17:00 Imran Naeem (Lahore University of Management sciences (LUMS), Pakistan), A new approach to construct first integrals and closed-form solutions of dynamical systems for epidemics
- 17:30 Rehana Naz (Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan), The first integrals and closed-form solutions of optimal control problems
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B45]
- 11:15 Vladislav Bukshtynov (Florida Institute of Technology), Optimal Reconstruction of Constitutive Relations for Porous Media Flows
- 11:45 Buthinah Bin Dehaish (King Abdullaziz University), Fixed Point Theorem for monotone Lipschitzian mappings
- 13:45 Chuang Xu (University of Alberta), Best finite constrained approximations of one-dimensional probabilities
- 14:15 Eric Jose Avila (Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan), Global dynamics of a periodic SEIRS model with general incidence rate
- 14:45 Eugen Mandrescu (Holon Institute of Technology, Israel), Shedding vertices and well-covered graphs
- 15:15 Yuan-Jen Chiang (University of Mary Washington), Leaf-wise Harmonic Maps of Manifolds with 2-dimensional Foliations
- 16:15 Stefan Veldsman (Nelson Mandela University), Generalized complex numbers over near-fields
- 16:45 Ryad Ghanam (Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar), Non-Solvable subalgebras of gl(4,R)
Présentations :
- Lundi 24 juil [Cormier Hall K-500]
- 11:15 Shafrira Goldwasser (MIT, USA), Pseudo Deterministic Algorithms and Proofs
- 15:15 Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research, USA), Gravitational allocation on the sphere and overhanging blocks
- 16:30 Manuel del Pino (Universidad de Chile), Singularity formation and bubbling in nonlinear diffusions
- Mercredi 26 juil [Symposia Auditorium, CMR]
- 10:00 Peter Ozsvath (Princeton University, USA), Computing Knot Floer homology
- Vendredi 28 juil [Symposia Auditorium, CMR]
- 10:30 Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford University, USA), Recent progress in multiplicative number theory
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [International, Centre Mont-Royal]
- 09:00 Héctor H. Pastén Vásquez (Harvard University, USA), The abc Conjecture and the d(abc) Theorem
- 10:30 Vlad Vicol (Princeton University, USA), Turbulent weak solutions of the Euler equations
- Mercredi 26 juil [Cartier, Centre Mont-Royal]
- 17:30 Pablo Shmerkin (Torcuato Di Tella University and CONICET), Expansions in bases 2 and 3: old conjectures and new results
- Jeudi 27 juil [International, Centre Mont-Royal]
- 09:00 Robert Morris (Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil), Random graph processes
- Jeudi 27 juil [Symposium Auditorium, Centre Mont-Royal]
- 09:00 Umberto Hryniewicz (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Symplectic dynamics: methods and results
Présentations :
- Lundi 24 juil [Cormier Hall K-500]
- 13:45 Jeremy Quastel (University of Toronto, Canada), Asymptotic fluctuations in the KPZ universality class
- Lundi 24 juil [E-310]
- 13:45 Lia Bronsard (McMaster University, Canada), Droplet phase in a nonlocal isoperimetric problem under confinement
- Lundi 24 juil [Z-110]
- 13:45 Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia University, USA), Induced Subgraphs and Coloring
- Mardi 25 juil [Cartier I & II, CMR]
- 09:00 Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University, USA), Weinstein manifolds revisited
- 10:30 Paolo Piccione (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Teichmüller theory, collapse of flat manifolds and applications to the Yamabe problem
- Mardi 25 juil [Symposia Auditorium, CMR]
- 09:00 Rustum Choksi (McGill University, Canada), Geometric Variational Problems with Nonlocal Interactions: Gamow's Liquid Drop Problem and Beyond
- 10:30 Jeremy Kahn (Brown University, USA), Applications and Frontiers in Surface Subgroups
- Mercredi 26 juil [Cartier I & II, CMR]
- 08:30 Bernardo Uribe (University del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia), Decomposition of equivariant complex vector bundles on fixed point sets
- Mercredi 26 juil [International I (E) & II (F), CMR]
- 08:30 Pablo Ferrari (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Stationary solitons in the Box Ball System in Z
- 17:30 Shmuel Weinberger (University of Chicago, USA), The (un)reasonable (in)effectiveness of algebraic topology.
- Mercredi 26 juil [Symposia Auditorium, CMR]
- 08:30 Daniel T. Wise (McGill University, Canada), The Cubical Route to Understanding Groups
- 17:30 Juan Davila (University of Chile), Finite time singularities for the harmonic map flow in 2D with values into de sphere
- Jeudi 27 juil [Cartier I & II, CMR]
- 09:00 Luz de Teresa (IM UNAM, Mexico), Give me absolute control over every......
- 10:30 Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA, Brazil), Geometric properties of the Markov and Lagrange spectra and dynamical generalizations
- Jeudi 27 juil [International I (E) & II (F), CMR]
- 09:00 Robert Morris (IMPA, Brazil), Random graph processes
- 10:30 Krzysztof Burdzy (University of Washington, USA), On number of collisions of billiard balls
- Jeudi 27 juil [Symposia Auditorium, CMR]
- 10:30 Matt Kerr (Washington U St. Louis, USA), Normal functions in geometry, physics, arithmetic
- Vendredi 28 juil [Cartier I & II, CMR]
- 09:00 Nicolas Andruskiewitsch (University of Cordoba, Argentina), Nichols algebras
- Vendredi 28 juil [International I (E) & II (F), CMR]
- 09:00 Harald Helfgott (University Paris Diderot-Paris VII, France), Voronoi, Sierpinski, Eratosthenes
- Vendredi 28 juil [Symposia Auditorium, CMR]
- 09:00 Jill Pipher (Brown University, USA), Regularity of solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations
Organisateurs :
- Eduardo Cerpa (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
- Kirsten Morris (University of Waterloo)
- Luz de Teresa (Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1205]
- 11:45 Michel Delfour (University of Montreal), Shape and Topological Derivatives via One Sided Differentiation of Lagrangian Functionals
- 12:15 Assia Benabdallah (Aix-Marseille Université), New phenomena for the null controllability of parabolic systems
- 14:15 Ademir Pazoto (Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro), Control and Stabilization for a coupled system of linear Benjamin-Bona-Mahony type equations
- 14:45 Ivonne Rivas (Universidad del Valle), Stabilization for a type of uncontrollable systems
- 15:45 Ludovick Gagnon (Jussieu, France), Sufficient conditions for the boundary controllability of the wave equation with transmission conditions
- 16:15 Cristhian Montoya (UNAM, Mexico), Robust Stackelberg controllability for the Navier-Stokes equations
- 17:00 Kirsten Morris (University of Waterloo), Optimal Sensor Design in Estimation
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1205]
- 11:45 Valeria Cavalcanti (Universidade Estadual de Maringá), Exponential stability for the wave model with localized memory
- 12:15 Eduardo Cerpa (Universidad Técnica Federico Santamaría), On the stability of some PDE-ODE systems involving the wave equation
- 14:15 Bianca Calsavara (Campinas, Brazil), Local exact controllability of two-phase field solidification systems with few controls
- 14:45 Bingyu Zhang (University of Cincinnati), General Boundary Value Problems of the Kortweg-de Vries Equation on a Bounded Domain
- 15:45 Alberto Mercado (Universidad Técnica Federica Santamaría), Controllability of wave equations in heterogeneous media
- 16:15 Scott Hansen (Iowa State University), Boundary controllability of Schrodinger and beam equation with an internal point mass
- 17:00 Shuxia Tang (University of Waterloo), Sensor Design for Distributed Parameter Systems
Organisateurs :
- Daniel Panario (Carleton University)
- Luciane Quoos (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
- Ivelisse Rubio (University of Puerto Rico)
- David Thomson (Carleton University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 2120]
- 11:45 Toni Bluher (Department of Defense (United States)), Dickson polynomials
- 12:15 Antonio Cafure (Universidad de Buenos Aires, (UBA- Buenos Aires, Argentina)), Cyclotomic polinomials over finite fields
- 14:15 Ricardo Conceição (Gettysburg College), Definition and first properties of Markov polynomials
- 14:45 Claude Gravel (The Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing), Permutations with one cycle of maximal length, and output bits of maximal algebraic degree
- 15:45 Maria Chara (Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral (UNL-CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina)), An Artin-Schreier tower of function fields in even characteristic
- 16:15 Christine Kelley (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Multilevel coding and multistage decoding on partial erasure channels
- 17:00 Ariane Masuda (New York City College of Technology (New York City, United States)), Goppa Codes over Kummer extensions
- 17:30 Gretchen Mathews (Clemson University (South Carolina, United States)), AG codes as products of Reed-Solomon codes
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 2120]
- 11:15 Daniel Katz (California State University, Northridge (Los Angeles, United States)), Valuations of Weil Sums of Binomials
- 11:45 Andreas Weingartner (Southern Utah University), The degree distribution of polynomial divisors over finite fields
- 13:45 Jonathan Jedwab (Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada)), A strong external difference family with more than two subsets
- 14:15 Lucia Moura (University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Canada)), Ordered Orthogonal Array Construction Using LFSR Sequences
- 14:45 David Thomson (Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada)), Doubly-periodic Costas arrays
- 15:15 Lisa Bromberg (United States Military Academy, West Pointe), Navigating in the Cayley graph of $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{F}_p)$ and applications to hashing
- 16:15 Lucas Reis (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil), On the explicit factorization of $f(x^n)$ over finite fields.
- 16:45 Ivelisse Rubio (University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras, Puerto Rico)), A refinement of a theorem of Carlitz
Organisateurs :
- Guillermo Cortiñas (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- E. Javier Elizondo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- James Lewis (University of Alberta at Edmonton)
- Paulo Lima-Filho (Texas A&M)
- Chuck Weibel (Rutgers University at New Brunswick)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 304]
- 11:45 Nikita Karpenko (Univeristy of Alberta, Canada), Chow ring of generic flag varieties
- 14:15 Marc Levine (University of Essen, Germany), Motivic Virtual Fundamental Classes
- 15:45 Kyle Ormsby (Reed College, USA), Vanishing in motivic stable stems
- 17:00 Jose Pablo Pelaez Menaldo (UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico), A triangulated approach to the the Bloch-Beilinson filtration
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 304]
- 11:15 Kirsten Wickelgren (Georgia Tech, USA), Motivic Euler numbers and an arithmetic count of the lines on a cubic surface
- 13:45 Daniel Juan Pineda (UNAM, Morelia, Mexico), On NIl groups of the quaternion group
- 14:45 Ben Antieau (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA), Negative and homotopy $K$-theory of ring spectra and extensions of the theorem of the heart
- 16:15 Inna Zakharevich (Cornell University, USA), A derived zeta-function
Organisateurs :
- Bryna Kra (Northwestern University)
- Yuri Lima (Université Paris-Sud 11)
- Alejandro Maass (Universidad de Chile)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 1100]
- 11:45 Omri Sarig (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), Symbolic dynamics for surface diffeomorphisms: updates
- 12:15 Dan Thompson (Ohio State University, USA), Symbolic dynamics and specification for geodesic flow on CAT(-1) spaces
- 14:15 Godofredo Iommi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile), Thermodynamic properties of the Jacobi Perron algorithm
- 14:45 Zemer Kosloff (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), The Krieger types of Bernoulli and Markov shifts
- 15:45 Albert Fisher (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), Finite and infinite measures for adic transformations
- 16:15 Jon Chaika (University of Utah, USA), Almost every 3-interval exchange transformation is not simple
- 17:00 Wenbo Sun (Ohio State University, USA), Symbolic counter-examples for quantitative multiple recurrence problems
- 17:30 Yair Hartman (Northwestern University, USA), Thompson's group F is not strongly amenable
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 1100]
- 11:45 Samuel Petite (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France), Restrictions on the group of automorphisms preserving a subshift
- 12:15 Van Cyr (Bucknell University, USA), Automorphisms of zero entropy symbolic systems
- 14:15 Sebastián Donoso (Universidad de Chile, Chile), Automorphism groups of Toeplitz subshifts
- 14:45 María Isabel Cortez (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile), Invariant measures, monotilable groups and orbit equivalence
- 15:45 Reem Yassawi (IRIF, Univ. Paris-7), Recognizability for sequences of morphisms
- 16:15 Kelly Yancey (Institute for Defense Analyses, USA), Structure of Rigidity Sequences for Substitution Dynamical Systems
- 17:00 Edgardo Ugalde (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico), Projective convergence of random substitutions towards a Gibbs measures
- 17:30 Carlos Matheus Silva Santos (CNRS/Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13, France), On problem 17 in Bowen's notebook
Organisateurs :
- Patrick Ingram (York University)
- Holly Krieger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Thomas Tucker (University of Rochester)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 118]
- 11:45 Sarah Koch (University of Michigan), Realizing postcritical combinatorics
- 12:15 Joseph Silverman (Brown University), A Dynamical Shafarevich Conjecture with Portraits
- 14:15 John Doyle (University of Rochester), Reduction of dynatomic curves
- 14:45 David Krumm (Colby College), Galois groups in a family of dynatomic polynomials
- 15:45 Jason Bell (University of Waterloo), A Dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture for coherent sheaves
- 16:15 Araceli Bonifant (University of Rhode Island), Tongues and Tricorns in a Space of Rational Maps
- 17:00 Jan Kiwi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Irreducibility of complex cubic polynomials with a periodic critical point
- 17:30 Michelle Manes (University of Hawaii), Dynamical Belyi maps
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 118]
- 11:15 Juan Rivera-Letelier (University of Rochester), A tricothomy for the ergodic theory of ultrametric rational maps
- 11:45 Jamie Juul (Amherst College), Images of Iterated Polynomials over Finite Fields
- 13:45 Kathryn Lindsey (University of Chicago), Convex shapes and harmonic caps
- 14:15 Kenneth Jacobs (Northwestern University), Archimedean Perspectives from non-Archimedean Dynamics
- 14:45 Ricardo Menares (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), Equidistribution of p-adic Hecke orbits on the modular curve
- 15:15 Myrto Mavraki (University of British Columbia), Quasi-adelic measures, equidistribution and preperiodic points for families of rational maps
- 16:15 Nicole Looper (Northwestern University), Arboreal Galois representations with large image
- 16:45 Robert Benedetto (Amherst College), Computing arboreal Galois groups of some cubic polynomials
Organisateurs :
- Tristan Buckmaster (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
- Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
- Vlad Vicol (Princeton University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 920]
- 11:45 Anna Mazzucato (Pennsylvania State University), The vanishing viscosity limit for an Oseen-type equation
- 12:15 Milton C. Lopes Filho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Newtonian limit of the Euler-alpha model in domains with boundary
- 14:15 Dana Mendelson (University of Chicago), An infinite sequence of conserved quantities for the cubic Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy on R
- 14:45 Tarek Elgindi (Princeton University), Finite-time singularity formation for De Gregorio's model of the 3d vorticity equation
- 15:45 Anne Bronzi (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), Abstract framework for the theory of statistical solutions
- 16:15 Javier Gomez Serrano (Princeton University), Global solutions for the generalized SQG equation
- 17:00 Gabriela Planas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), Well-posedness for a non-isothermal flow of two viscous incompressible fluids
- 17:30 Michele Coti-Zelati (University of Maryland), Mixing and dissipation in two-dimensional fluids
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 920]
- 11:45 Susan Friedlander (University of Southern California), A stochastically forced shell model for turbulence
- 12:15 Alexander Schnirelman (Concordia University), On the 2-point problem for the Euler-Lagrange equations
- 14:15 Alexei Mailybaev (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada), Spontaneously stochastic solutions for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- 14:45 Nathan Glatt-Holtz (Tulane University), Stochastic Models for Turbulent Convection
- 16:15 Andrei Tarfulea (University of Chicago), Improved estimates for thermal fluid equations
- Pas d'horaire [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 920]
- Sasha Shnirelman (Concordia University), Constructions of weak solutions of the Euler equations
Organisateurs :
- Thierry Giordano (University of Ottawa)
- Daniel Gonçalves (UFSC)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 151]
- 11:45 Gilles Gonçalves de Castro (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), A groupoid approach to the C*-algebras of labeled graphs
- 12:15 Michael Schraudner (Universidade de Chile), Automorphism groups of subshifts through group extensions
- 14:15 Charles Starling (Carleton University), Bratteli-Vershik models for partial actions of $\mathbb{Z}$
- 14:45 Marcelo Sobottka (UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), The Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon Theorem for generalized sliding block codes between Ott-Tomforde-Willis shift spaces
- 15:45 Hui Li (University of Windsor), On The Products of Two Odometers
- 16:15 Maria Isabel Cortez (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Strong orbit equivalence and eigenvalues
- 17:00 Dr. Adam Dor-On (University of Waterloo), Representations of Toeplitz-Cuntz-Krieger algebras
- 17:30 Daniel Gonçalves (UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Infinite alphabet edge shift spaces via ultragraphs and their C*-algebras
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 151]
- 12:15 Benjamin Itzá-Ortíz (UAEH - Universidade Autónoma Del Estado de Hidalgo), The isomorphism class of mapping tori on simple Banach algebras
- 14:15 David Kerr (Texas A&M University), Almost finiteness and $\mathcal{Z}$-stability
- 14:45 Nick Ormes (University of Denver), Speedups of Topological Systems
- 15:45 Rufus Willet (University of Hawaii), Cartans and rigidity for uniform Roe algebras
- 16:15 Alcides Buss (UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Groupoid actions - The symmetries of noncommutative spaces
- 17:00 Carla Farsi (University of Colorado Boulder), Semibranching function systems, representations, wavelets, and spectral triples for k-graphs
- 17:30 Elizabeth Gillaspy (University of Münster), Generalized gauge actions, KMS states, and Hausdorff dimension for higher-rank graphs
Organisateurs :
- Lev Birbrair (Univ. Federal do Ceará)
- Fernando Cukierman (Univ. de Buenos Aires)
- Dale Cutkosky (Univ. of Missouri Columbia)
- Marcelo Saia (Univ. de São Paulo/São Carlos)
- Jawad Snoussi (UNAM)
- Marcio G. Soares (University Federal de Minas Gerais)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1214]
- 11:45 Edward Bierstone (Univ. of Toronto - Canada), Global smoothing of a subanalytic set
- 12:15 Felipe Cano (Univ. Valladolid - Spain), Local Uniformization of Singular Codimension One Foliations
- 14:15 Fuensanta Aroca (Univ. Nac. Aut. Mexico - Mexico), Parametrizations with exponents in cones and the algebraic closure of the field of rational functions in several variables.
- 14:45 Alicia Dickenstein (Univ. Buenos Aires - Argentina), Sparse mixed discriminants, toric jacobians, and iterated discriminants
- 15:45 André Belotto da Silva (Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse III - France), Local monomialization of a system of first integrals of Darboux type
- 16:15 Alexandre Fernandes (Univ. Fed. Ceará - Brazil), On Lipschitz regularity at infinity of complex algebraic sets
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1214]
- 13:45 Bruna Oréfice Okamoto (Univ. Fed. São Carlos - Brazil), Equisingularity of map germs from a surface to the plane.
- 14:15 Mauricio Corrêa Jr. (Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais - Brazil), Čech-Bott-Chern cohomology and refined residue theory.
- 14:45 Jose Seade (Univ. Nac. Aut. Mexico - Mexico), On the Chern classes of singular varieties
- 15:15 Jorge Vitorio Pereira (IMPA - Brazil), Effective algebraic integration in bounded genus
- 16:15 Maria Aparecida Ruas (Univ. São Paulo - Brazil), Lipschitz Normal Embeddings in the Space of Matrices
Organisateurs :
- Jerzy Dydak (University of Tennessee)
- Danuta Kolodziejczyk (Warsaw University of Technology)
- Krystyna Kuperberg (Auburn University)
- Murat Tuncali (Nipissing University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B39]
- 11:45 Edward Tymchatyn (University of Saskatchewan), Cell Structures
- 12:15 Vesko Valov (Nipissing University), Homogeneous finite-dimensional metric compacta
- 14:15 Ana Rechtman (Université de Strasbourg), Variations of the Kuperberg plug with positive topological entropy
- 14:45 Steve Hurder (University of Illinois at Chicago), Smooth flows with fractional entropy dimension
- 15:45 Daniel Ingebretson (University of Illinois at Chicago), Hausdorff dimension of Kuperberg minimal sets
- 16:15 Jose M. Sanjurjo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Perturbation of global attractors and Shape Theory
- 17:00 Francisco R. Ruiz del Portal (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), About the cohomological Conley index of isolated invariant continua
- 17:30 Rolando Jiménez Benitez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca Branch), Free, proper and cellular actions of discrete groups on homotopy circles
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B39]
- 11:45 Alexander N. Dranishnikov (University of Florida), Cohomologically Strongly Infinite Dimensional Compacta
- 12:15 Danuta Kolodziejczyk (Warsaw University of Technology), Cartesian Powers of Shapes of FANR's and Polyhedra
- 14:15 Sergey Antonyan (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Characterizing G-A(N)R spaces by means of $H$-fixed point sets
- 14:45 Natalia Jonard-Perez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Groups of affine transformations acting on hyperspaces of compact convex subsets of $\mathbb R^n$
- 15:45 Joanna Furno (Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis), Ultrafilter constructions for group topologies
- 16:15 James E. Keesling (University of Florida), Spaces all of whose loops are small
- 17:00 Boris Goldfarb (State University of New York at Albany), Extension and non-extension theorems for coarse properties of metric spaces
- 17:30 Jerzy Dydak (University of Tennessee), Extension theorems for large scale spaces via neighborhood operators
Organisateurs :
- Guillermo Cortiñas (University of Buenos Aires)
- Andrés Navas Flores (University of Santiago de Chile)
- Mikael Pichot, (McGill University)
- Guoliang Yu (Texas A&M University)
Organisateurs :
- Ernesto Lupercio (CINVESTAV)
- Bernardo Uribe (Universidad del Norte)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 111]
- 11:45 Miguel Xicoténcatl (CINEVSTAV, México), On the cohomology of mapping class groups and configuration spaces of non-orientable surfaces
- 14:15 Ian Hambleton (McMaster University, Canada), Group actions on homology 3-spheres
- 14:45 Angélica Osorno (Reed College, USA), Equivariant Infinite Loop Space Machines
- 15:45 Alejandro Adem (University of British Columbia, Canada), Homotopy Group Actions and Group Cohomology
- 16:15 Andrés Ángel (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia), Decompositions of equivariant bordism groups.
- 17:00 Guillermo Cortiñas (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), $G$-equivariant, bivariant algebraic K-theory
- 17:30 Daniel Juan Pineda (Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas UNAM, México), Rigidity for high graph manifolds
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 111]
- 11:15 Cheol-Hyun Cho (University of Seoul, Korea), Group actions and localized mirror functors
- 11:45 Eduardo González (University of Massachusetts, USA), Gauged Maps and quantum K-theory
- 13:45 César Galindo (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia), Isocategorical Groups and their Weil Representations
- 14:15 Carlos Segovia (UNAM, México), High dimensional topological quantum field theory
- 14:45 Jean-Pierre Magnot (Lycée Jeanne d'Arc, Clermont-Ferrand, France), Differential geometry and well-posedness of the KP hierarchy
- 15:15 Reimundo Heluani (IMPA, Brazil), On T-duality of certain nilmanifolds
- 16:15 Rui Loja Fernandes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), Symplectic Gerbes
Organisateurs :
- Pavel Zalesski (University of Brasilia)
- Ivan Shestakov (State University of Sao Paulo)
- Olga Kharlampovich (Hunter College CUNY)
- Alexei Miasnikov (Stevens Institute of Technology)
- Yuri Bahturin (Memorial University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 60]
- 11:45 Yuri Bahturin (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), Real graded division algebras
- 14:15 Inna Bumagina (Carleton University, Canada)
- 14:45 Liudmila Sabinina (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos), On Malcev algebras with the identity $J(x_1x_2...x_n, y, z) =0.$
- 15:45 Jeremy MacDonald (Concordia University)
- 16:15 Svetla Vassileva (Champlain College Saint-Lambert)
- 17:00 Victor Petrogradsky (University of Brasilia, Brazil), Lie identities of symmetric Poisson algebras
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 60]
- 11:15 Pavel Zalesskii (University of Brasilia), The profinite completion of 3-manifold groups
- 11:45 Ivan Shestakov (State University of Sao Paulo), A finite representation of Jordan algebras
- 13:45 Olga Kharlampovich (Hunter College, CUNY), Tarski-type problems for free Lie algebras
- 14:15 Dessislava Kochloukova (Brazil State University of Campinas), Subdirect sums and fibre sums of Lie algebras
- 14:45 Alexei Krassilnikov (University of Brasilia, Brazil), Lie nilpotent asssociative algebras
- 15:15 Evegeny Plotkin (Bar-Ilan University, Israel), Word equations and word equations with constants
- 16:15 Alexei Myasnikov (CUNY, USA)
- 16:45 Jacob Mostovoy (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico), Multiplicative graphs and related algebras
- Pas d'horaire [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 60]
- Nikolay Romanovski (Syberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Organisateurs :
- Matilde N. Lalin (Université de Montréal)
- Adriana Salerno (Bates College)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [Rutherford Physics Building, Room 114]
- 11:45 Piper Harron (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Equidistribution of Shapes of Number Fields of degree 3, 4, and 5
- 12:15 Robert Harron (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Equidistribution of shapes of cubic fields of fixed quadratic resolvent
- 14:15 Guillermo Mantilla-Soler (Universidad de los Andes), A characterization of arithmetic equivalence via Galois representations
- 14:45 María Chara (Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral), Subtowers of towers of function fields
- 15:45 Antonio Cafure (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento), Cyclotomic polinomials and linear algebra
- 16:15 Natalia Garcia-Fritz (University of Toronto), Curves of low genus and applications to Diophantine problems
- 17:00 Ricardo Conceição (Gettysburg College), Solutions of the Hurwitz-Markoff equation over polynomial rings
- 17:30 Amalia Pizarro-Madariaga (Universidad de Valparaíso), Rational Products of Singular Moduli
- Vendredi 28 juil [Rutherford Physics Building, Room 114]
- 11:45 Cecilia Salgado (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Rank bounds on fibrations of jacobians varieties
- 12:15 Christelle Vincent (University of Vermont), Constructing hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 whose Jacobians have CM
- 14:15 Ricardo Toledano (Universidad Nacional del Litoral), S-minimal value set polynomials and towers of Garcia, Stichtenoth and Thomas type
- 14:45 Pedro Luis del Ángel Rodríguez (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas), Eichler-Shimura and extensions of Hodge structures
- 15:45 Alejandra Alvarado (Eastern Illinois Unviersity), Arithmetic Progressions on Conic Sections
- 16:15 Andrew Harder (University of Miami), Calabi-Yau threefolds and modular curves
- 17:00 Ursula Whitcher (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire and Mathematical Reviews), Zeta functions of alternate mirror Calabi-Yau pencils
- 17:30 Adriana Salerno (Bates College), Alternate Mirror Families and Hypergeometric Functions
Organisateurs :
- Alejandro Adem (University of British Columbia)
- Xiang Tang (Washington University)
- Hsian-Hua Tseng (Ohio State University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 12]
- 11:45 Alejandro Adem (University of British Columbia), Twisted K-theory for Actions with Maximal Rank Isotropy
- 14:15 Takashi Kimura (Boston University), Stringy operations in equivariant K-theory and cohomology
- 14:45 Yunfeng Jiang (University of Kansas), On motivic virtual signed Euler characteristics
- 15:45 Vincent Bouchard (University of Alberta), Quantization and Topological Recursion
- 17:00 Emily Clader (San Francisco State University), Higher-genus wall-crossing in Gromov-Witten and Landau-Ginzburg theory
- 17:30 Hsian-Hua Tseng (Ohio State), A tale of four theories
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 12]
- 11:15 Bernardo Uribe Jongbloed (Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla , Colombia), Stringy structures in cohomology and K-theory of orbifolds
- 13:45 Carla Farsi (University of Colorado Boulder), The spectrum of orbifold connected sums and collapsing
- 14:15 Dorette Pronk (Dalhousie University), Mapping Groupoids for Topological Orbifolds
- 14:45 Ilya Shapiro (University of Windsor), Some invariance properties of cyclic cohomology with coefficients
- 15:15 Xiang Tang
- 16:15 Ernesto Lupercio (CINVESTAV)
Organisateurs :
- Ronaldo Alves Garcia (Federal University of Goiás)
- Mikhail Malakhaltsev (University of los Andes)
- Jesus Mucino Raymundo (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
- Daniel Offin (Queens University)
- Farid Tari (University of São Paulo)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-120]
- 11:45 Kenneth Meyer (University of Cincinnati, USA), Asymptotic Stability Estimates near an Equilibrium Point
- 12:15 Alexander Cardona (University of los Andes, Colombia), Spectral invariants and global pseudo-differential calculus on homogeneous spaces
- 14:15 Johanna Garcia Saldaña (Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Chile), An approach to the period function through the harmonic balance
- 14:45 Jesus Mucino Raymundo (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Morelia, Mexico), Essential singularities of complex analytic vector fields on $\mathbb{C}$
- 15:45 Regilene Delazari dos Santos Oliveira (Universidade de São Paulo, Campus de S. Carlos), Singular levels and topological invariants of Morse Bott integrable systems on surfaces
- 16:15 Nabil Kahouadji (Northeastern Illinois University, USA), Isometric Immersions of Pseudo-Spherical Surfaces via Differential Equations
- 17:00 Ana Rechtman (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico), The trunkennes of a flow
- 17:30 Mikhail Malakhaltsev (University of los Andes, Colombia), Binary differential equations and 3-webs with singularities
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-120]
- 11:15 Alessandro Portaluri (University of Torino, Italy), Index and stability of closed semi-Riemannian geodesics
- 11:45 Martha P. Dussan Angulo (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), Bjorling problem for timelike surfaces and solutions of homogeneous wave equation
- 13:45 Débora Lopes da Silva (Universidade Federal do Sergipe, Brazil), Codimension one partially umbilic singularities of hypersurfaces of $\mathbb{ R}^4$
- 14:15 Jean Carlos Cortissoz (University of los Andes, Colombia), On Bloch's Theorem
- 14:45 Adolfo Guillot Santiago (National Autonomous University of Mexico, Cuernavaca, Mexico), Algebraic differential equations with uniform solutions
- 15:15 Frederico Xavier (Texas Christian University, USA), On the inversion of real polynomial maps
- 16:15 Ronaldo Alves Garcia (Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil), Darboux curves on surfaces
- 16:45 Daniel Offin (Queens University, Canadá), Multiple periodic solutions in classical Hamiltonian systems.
Organisateurs :
- Jonathan Ariel Barmak (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Bruno Benedetti (University of Miami)
- Florian Frick (Cornell University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B45]
- 11:45 Louis Billera (Cornell University), On the real linear algebra of binary vectors
- 14:15 Anton Dochtermann (Texas State University), Co-parking functions and h-vectors of graphical matroids
- 14:45 Andrés Angel (Universidad de los Andes), Evasiveness of graph properties and graphs on 2p vertices.
- 15:45 Art Duval (University of Texas at El Paso), A non-partitionable Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complex
- 16:15 Edgardo Roldán-Pensado (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Measure partitions with fixed directions
- 17:00 Michael Davis (The Ohio State University), The Euler Characteristic Conjecture and the Charney-Davis Conjecture
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B45]
- 11:45 Alex Suciu (Northeastern University), Polyhedral products, duality properties, and Cohen-Macaulay complexes
- 14:15 Sara Maloni (University of Virginia), Polyhedra inscribed in quadrics and their geometry.
- 14:45 Emanuele Delucchi (University of Fribourg), Combinatorial models for toric arrangements
- 15:45 Jens Harlander (Boise State University), On the Homotopy Classification of 2-Complexes
- 16:15 Stephan Rosebrock (Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe, Institut für Mathematk), Labelled Oriented Trees and the Whitehead Conjecture
- 17:00 Luis Montejano (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Homological Sperner-type Theorems
- 17:30 Gabriel Minian (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Homotopy colimits of finite posets
Organisateurs :
- Florent Schaffhauser (Universidad de los Andes)
- Laura P. Schaposnik (University of Illinois-Chicago)
- Richard Wentworth (University of Maryland)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B24]
- 11:45 Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP), Branes on moduli spaces of sheaves
- 12:15 Lara Anderson (Virginia Tech), Elliptically Fibered CY Geometries and Emergent Hitchin Systems
- 14:15 Alessia Mandini (PUC Rio de Janeiro), Hyperpolygon spaces and parabolic Higgs bundles
- 14:45 Steve Bradlow (UIUC), Fiber products and spectral data for Higgs bundles
- 15:45 Andy Neitzke (UT Austin), Abelianization in classical complex Chern-Simons theory
- 16:15 Sara Maloni (University of Virginia), The geometry of quasi-Hitchin symplectic Anosov representations.
- 17:00 Leticia Brambila-Paz (CIMAT), Coherent Higgs Systems
- 17:30 Claudio Meneses (CIMAT), On the Narasimhan-Atiyah-Bott metrics on moduli of parabolic bundles
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B24]
- 11:45 Steve Rayan (University of Saskatchewan), Asymptotics of hyperpolygons
- 12:15 Victoria Hoskins (Freie Universität Berlin), Group actions on quiver moduli spaces and branes
- 14:15 Qionling Li (CalTech), Metric domination for Higgs bundles of quiver type
- 14:45 Sergei Gukov (CalTech), Equivariant invariants of the Hitchin moduli space
- 15:45 Laura Fredrickson (Stanford), Constructing solutions of Hitchin's equations near the ends of the moduli space
- 16:15 Michael Groechenig (FU Berlin), p-adic integration for the Hitchin system
Organisateurs :
- Shmuel Weinberger (University of Chicago)
- Alexander Nabutovsky (University of Toronto)
- Mikhail Belolipetsky (IMPA)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 11]
- 11:45 Fedor Manin (University of Toronto), Counting thick embeddings
- 12:15 Jae Choon Cha (POSTECH, Republic of Korea), Bordism, chain homotopy, and Cheeger-Gromov $\rho$-invariants
- 14:15 Slava Krushkal (University of Virginia), Geometric complexity of embeddings
- 14:45 Alan Reid (University of Texas), Embedding arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds
- 15:45 Joel Hass (UC Davis), Comparing Surfaces of Genus Zero
- 16:15 Alexander Dranishnikov (University of Florida), On Topological Complexity of Nonorientable Surfaces
- 17:00 Assaf Naor (Princeton University), A spectral gap precludes low-dimensional embeddings
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 11]
- 11:15 Matthew Kahle (Ohio State University), Topological solid, liquid, and gas
- 11:45 Jing Tao (University of Oklahoma), Fine geometry of the Thurston metric
- 13:45 Boris Lishak (University of Toronto), The space of trinagulations of compact 4-manifolds
- 14:15 Regina Rotman (University of Toronto), Short geodesics on closed Riemannian manifolds
- 14:45 Yevgeniy Liokumovich (MIT), Quantitative aspects of Min-Max Theory
- 15:15 Greg Chambers (University of Chicago), Monotone homotopies and sweepouts
- 16:15 Tullia Dymarz (University of Wisconsin, Madison), BiLipschitz equivalence of coarsely dense separated nets
- 16:45 Walter Neumann (Columbia University), Some applications of coarse metrics
Organisateurs :
- Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
- Pablo Shmerkin (University of Torcuato)
- Károly Simon (University of Technology and Economics)
- Boris Solomyak (Bar-Ilan University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 100]
- 14:15 Pablo Shmerkin (CONICET and Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Furstenberg's intersection conjecture and the $L^q$ norm of convolutions
- 15:45 Krystal Taylor (Ohio State University, Columbus, United States), On the algebraic sum of a planar set and a smooth curve
- 17:00 Balász Bárány (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary), Dimension of self-affine sets with typical linear parts
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 100]
- 11:45 Mehdi Pourbarat (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran), On the arithmetic difference of middle Cantor sets
- 14:15 Carlos Matheus Silva Santos (CNRS/Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13, France), On the Lagrange and Markov spectrum
- 15:45 Anton Gorodetski (University of California, Irvine, United States), Separable potentials and sums of regular Cantor sets.
- 17:00 Sergio Augusto Romaña Ibarra (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), On the Lagrange and Markov Dynamical Spectrum for Surfaces of Negative Curvature
Organisateurs :
- Paul Bressler (University of los Andes)
- Raphaël Ponge (Seoul National University)
- Bahram Rangipour (University of New Brunswick)
- Zhizhang Xie (Texas A&M University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 46]
- 11:45 Xiang Tang (Washington University, St Louis, USA), Roe C*-algebra for groupoids and generalized Lichnerowicz Vanishing theorem
- 12:15 Alejandro Cabrera (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), A geometric approach to some equivalent C*-algebras
- 14:15 Joseph Varilly (University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica), How does chirality of the Standard Model arise?
- 14:45 Severino Toscano do Rego Melo (University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil), K-theory of pseudodifferential operators with semiperiodic symbols on a cylinder.
- 15:45 Sherry Gong (MIT, Cambridge, USA), Traces on reduced group $C^*$-algebras
- 16:15 Eugenia Ellis (University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay), Algebraic quantum kk-theory
- 17:00 Joseph Migler (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA), Determinants of almost commuting operators
- 17:30 Rudy Rodsphon (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA), Quantizations and index theory
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 46]
- 11:45 Mitsuru Wilson (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia), Canonical group quantization of the noncommutative tori and the noncommutative spheres
- 12:15 Fereshteh Yazdani (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada), Hopf-Cyclic Cohomology of $\mathcal{H}_n$ with Nontrivial Coefficients
- 14:15 Farzad Fathizadeh (Caltech, Pasadena, USA), The term $a_4$ in the heat kernel expansion of noncommutative tori
- 14:45 Masoud Khalkhali (Western University, London, Canada), Ricci Curvature in Noncommutative Geometry
- 15:45 Rufus Willett (University of Hawaii, USA), Cartans and rigidity for uniform Roe algebras
- 16:15 Alcides Buss (Federal University of Santa-Carina, Florianopolis, Brazil), Groupoid actions - The symmetries of noncommutative spaces
- 17:00 Carla Farsi (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Semibranching function systems, representations, wavelets, and spectral triples for k-graphs
- 17:30 Elizabeth Gillaspy (University of Montana, Missoula, USA), Generalized gauge actions, KMS states, and Hausdorff dimension for higher-rank graphs
Organisateurs :
- Steven Boyer (UQAM)
- Mario Eudave-Munoz (UNAM)
- Cameron McA. Gordon (Gordon, UT Austin)
- Cristobal Rivas Espinosa (University of Santiago)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 1100]
- 11:45 Andrés Navas (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Some problems concerning orders on groups of geometric origin
- 12:15 Adam Clay (University of Manitoba), The number of circular orderings of a group
- 14:15 Thomas Koberda (University of Virginia), Square roots of Thompson's group F
- 14:45 Javier Sanchez (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil), A way of obtaining free group algebras inside division rings
- 15:45 Azer Akhmedov (North Dakota State University), On (non-)embeddability of knot groups into the group of diffeomorphisms of compact 1-manifolds
- 16:15 Enrique Ramirez-Losada (CIMAT Guanajuato), Genus of satellite tunnel number one knots
- 17:00 Fabiola Manjarrez-Gutierrez (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Cuernavaca), Genus one knots and circular thin position
- 17:30 Francisco Gonzalez-Acuña (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Cuernavaca), 2-stratifold spines of 3-manifolds
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 1100]
- 11:15 Liam Watson (Université de Sherbrooke), Bordered Floer homology via immersed curves
- 11:45 Tye Lidman (North Carolina State University), Concordance in homology spheres
- 13:45 Ying Hu (Université du Québec à Montréal)
- 14:15 Bruno Aaron Cisneros de la Cruz (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM Oaxaca), Normal forms on virtual braid groups
- 14:45 Hans Boden (McMaster University, Canada), Concordance invariants of virtual knots
- 15:15 Matthieux Calvez (Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Universidad de la Frontera), Acylindrical hyperbolically of Artin Groups of Spherical Type
- 16:15 Dale Rolfsen (University of British Columbia), Ordering fundamental groups of small hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Organisateurs :
- Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes)
- José Iovino (The University of Texas at San Antonio)
- Franklin Tall (University of Toronto)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 2110]
- 11:45 Michael Makkai (McGill University), A survey of first-order logic with dependent sorts (FOLDS)
- 12:15 Bradd Hart (McMaster University), Practical definability in the model theory of operator algebras
- 14:15 Christopher Eagle (University of Victoria), Topology, abstract model theory, and the omitting types theorem
- 14:45 Frank Tall (University of Toronto), Omitting Types and the Baire Category Theorem
- 15:45 Eduardo Dueñez (The University of Texas at San Antonio), Ergodic theorems and metastability: A continuous logic viewpoint
- 16:15 Henry Towsner (University of Pennsylvania), How uniform is provable convergence?
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 2110]
- 11:15 Nate Ackermann (Harvard), Transferring Results from Infinitary Classical Model Theory to Infinitary Continuous Model Theory
- 11:45 Alessandro Vignati (York University), The Model theory of the Jacelon algebra
- 13:45 Xavier Caicedo (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia), A Lindström's theorem for continuous logic
- 14:15 Jose Iovino (The University of Texas at San Antonio)
- 14:45 Isaac Goldbring (University of California, Irvine), Boundary amenability of groups via ultrapowers
Organisateurs :
- Aaron Lauda (University of Southern California,)
- Nicolas Libedinsky (University of Chile)
- Joshua Sussan (CUNY Medgar Evers)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 205]
- 11:45 Vyacheslav Futorny (University of São Paulo), Algebras of invariant differential operators and their representations
- 12:15 Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia University), How to categorify the ring of integers localized at two
- 14:15 Peter Samuelson (University of Edinburgh), Hall algebras and skein theory
- 14:45 Ben Cooper (University of Iowa), The Hall algebras of surfaces
- 15:45 Nicolás Andruskiewitsch (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), Finite-dimensional Lie algebras arising from Nichols algebras of diagonal type
- 16:15 Sean Clark (Northeastern University), Canonical bases for quantized general linear and orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras
- 17:00 Rita Jiménez Rolland (CCMM-UNAM), Representation stability and convergence of point-counting
- 17:30 David Plaza (University of Chile), Homomorphisms between cell modules of the endomorphisms ring of a Bott-Samelson bimodule.
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 205]
- 11:15 Reimundo Heluani (IMPA), Chiral homology and rationality of vertex algebras
- 11:45 Matt Hogancamp (USC), Categorical Diagonalization
- 13:45 Monica Vazirani (UC Davis), The "Springer" representation of the DAHA
- 14:15 Eugene Gorsky (UC Davis), Khovanov-Rozansky homology and the flag Hilbert scheme
- 14:45 Jon Kujawa (University of Oklahoma), Webs of Type Q
- 15:15 David Rose (UNC), Traces and link homology
- 16:15 Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto), Crystals and monodromy of Bethe vectors
- 16:45 Vyjayanthi Chari (UC Riverside)
Organisateurs :
- Inna Bumagin (Carleton University)
- Delaram Kahrobaei (CUNY)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 45]
- 11:45 Fabienne Chouraqui (University of Haifa, Israel), THE GARSIDE GROUPS AND SOME OF THEIR PROPERTIES
- 12:15 Andrés Navas Flores (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile), Some combinatorial problems associated to orderability properties of groups
- 14:15 Olga Kharlampovich (Hunter College, USA), What does a group algebra of a free group ``know'' about the group?
- 14:45 Yago Antolin Pichel (Madrid, Spain), Counting with the falsification by fellow traveller property
- 15:45 Christophe Hohlweg (University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada), Garside Shadows and Automata in Coxeter groups
- 16:15 Elisabeth Fink (University of Ottawa, Canada), Labelled geodesics in Coxeter groups
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 45]
- 11:45 Dessislave Kochloukova (UNICAMP, Campinhas, Brasil), Fibre products of groups
- 12:15 Cristobal Rivas (Universidad de Santiago de Chile), Dynamical properties of invariant orderings on groups
- 14:15 Jonathan Gryak (CUNY Graduate Center, USA), On the Conjugacy Problem in Certain Metabelian Groups
- 14:45 Keivan Mallahi-Karai (Jacob University, Germany), Random semigroups in solvable linear groups
- 15:45 Ming Ming Zhang (Carlton University, Canada), Time complexity of the word problem in relatively hyperbolic groups
- 17:00 Denis Serbin (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA), Detecting conjugacy stability of subgroups
Organisateurs :
- Radhakrishnan Balu (US Army Research Lab)
- Carlos F. Lardizabal (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
- Takuya Machida (Nihon University)
- Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca (Venegas-Andraca, Tecnologico de Monterrey)
- Chaobin Liu (Bowie State University, USA)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 178]
- 11:45 Alberto Grunbaum (University of California, Berkeley, USA), A generalization of Schur functions, classical random walks, unitary and open quantum walks.
- 12:15 Luis Velazquez (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain), QUANTUM WALKS: RECURRENCE \& TOPOLOGICAL PHASES
- 14:15 Radhakrishnan Balu (US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD), Group Theoretic Treatment of Quantum Walks
- 14:45 Debbie Leung (University of Waterloo, Canada), From embezzlement (of entanglement) to breaking any (conservation) law
- 15:45 Carlos Lardizabal (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Hitting times and total variations of open quantum walks
- 16:15 Venegas-andraca Salvador (Tecnologico de Monterrey, México), Further Advances on Quantum PageRank
- 17:00 TAKUYA Machida (Nihon University, Japan), Quantum walk on a half line
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 178]
- 11:15 Chandrashekar Madiah (Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India), Accelerating quantum walks
- 11:45 Barry C Sanders (University of Calgary), Wavelets for quantum state generation
- 13:45 David Feder (University of Calgary), Detecting topological order in two dimensions by continuous-time quantum walk
- 14:15 Marcos Villagra (National University of Asuncion Country, Paraguay), Quantum Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization
Organisateurs :
- Jose Castillo (San Diego State University)
- Jose Alberto Cuminato (University of Sao Paulo)
- Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U, Bronfman Building, Room 1]
- 11:45 Gustavo Buscaglia (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Domain decomposition with Robin interface conditions for reservoir simulation
- 12:15 Daniel Szyld (Temple University), Asynchronous Optimized Schwarz, Theory and Experiments
- 14:15 Jose Castillo (San Diego State University), High Order Compact Mimetic Differences and Discrete Energy Decay in 2D Wave Motions
- 14:45 Miguel Dumett (San Diego State University, USA), A high-order accurate mimetic discretization of the Eikonal equation with Soner boundary conditions
- 15:45 Juan Carlos Cabral Figueredo (National University of Asuncion, Paraguay), On adaptive control strategy for restarting GMRES
- 16:15 Juan Carlos Galvis (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Numerical methods for high-contrast multiscale problems
- 17:00 Silvia Jimenez-Bolanos (Colgate University, USA), Navier Slip Condition for Viscous Fluids on a Rough Boundary
- 17:30 Carlos E. Mejía (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Finite difference methods for fractional advection dispersion equations
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U, Bronfman Building, Room 1]
- 11:15 Frédéric Valentin (LNCC, Brazil), Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed Method for Fluids
- 11:45 Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA), Nonlinear Eigensolver based on Padé Approximants
- 13:45 Sandra Augusta Santos (UNICAMP, Brazil), On the rank-sparsity decomposition problem
- 14:15 Marcus Sarkis (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA), On an adaptive finite element phase-field dynamic fracture model
- 14:45 Suely Oliveira (The University of Iowa, USA), Parallel Computing Large-scale Data Problems
- 15:15 Cristina Turner (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina), Adjoint method for a tumour invasion PDE-constrained optimization problem using FEM
- 16:15 Paula Vasquez (University of South Carolina), Dynamical modeling of the yeast genome
- 16:45 Miguel Dumett (San Diego State University, USA), L1 Norm Regularization of the Kirchhoff Standard Migrated Image
Organisateurs :
- Paul Bruillard (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- César Galindo (Universidad de los Andes)
- Julia Plavnik (Texas A&M University)
- Eric Rowell (Texas A&M University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 46]
- 11:45 Mary Beth Ruskai (University of Vermont), Extreme Points of Unital Quantum Channels
- 12:15 Francisco Delgado (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México), SU(2) decomposition for complex quantum information hamiltonians generating entanglement
- 14:15 Alonso Botero (Universidad de los Andes), Asymptotic entanglement concentration of multi-qubit W states
- 14:45 Salvador Venegas-Andraca (Tecnológico de Monterrey), Entanglement-tuned quantum walks
- 15:45 Fiona Burnell (University of Minnesota), Hamiltonians for anyon permuting symmetries
- 16:15 Dominic Williamson (University of Vienna), Hamiltonian models for topological phases of matter in three spatial dimensions
- 17:00 Jon Yard (University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute), Topological phases and arithmetic
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 46]
- 13:45 Xie Chen (Caltech), Group Cohomology and Symmetry Protected Topological Phases
- 14:15 Paulo Teotonio-Sobrinho (Universidade de São Paulo), Topological Order in Higher Gauge Theories and Cohomology
- 14:45 Alex Bullivant (University of Leeds, UK), Higher Symmetry Topological Phases and Loop Braid Invariants
- 15:15 Xingshan Cui (Stanford University), State Sum Invariants of Three Manifolds from Spherical Multi-fusion Categories
- 16:15 Qing Zhang (Texas A&M University), Congruence Subgroups and Super-Modular Categories
- 16:45 Dmitri Nikshych (University of New Hampshire), Classifying braidings on fusion categories
Organisateurs :
- Xiaoying Han (Auburn University)
- Carlos Lizama (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
- Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita (Universidade de Brasília)
- Mahamadi Warma (University of Puerto Rico)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 204]
- 11:45 Jaqueline G. Mesquita (University of Brasília, Brazil), Massera's Theorem for dynamic equations on time scales and applications
- 12:15 Rodrigo Ponce (Talca University, Chile), Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a Volterra equation
- 14:15 Xiaoying Han (Auburn University, USA), Dynamical Structures in Stochastic Chemical Reaction Systems
- 14:45 Jiayin Jin (Georgia Institute of Technology), Dynamics near solitons of the supercritical gKDV equations
- 15:45 Márcia Federson (University of São Paulo, Brazil), Generalized ODEs: overview and trends
- 16:15 Juliana Pimentel (Federal University of ABC, Brazil), Longtime behavior of reaction-diffusion equations with infinite-time blow-up
- 17:00 Antonín Slavík (Charles University, Czech Republic), Invariant regions for systems of lattice reaction-diffusion equations
- 17:30 Harbir Antil (George Mason University, Virginia, USA), Fractional Operators with Inhomogeneous Boundary Conditions: Analysis, Control, and Discretization
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 204]
- 11:45 Tomás Caraballo (University of Seville, Spain), Asymptotic behavior of 2D-Navier-Stokes equations with bounded or unbounded delay
- 12:15 Joseph Shomberg (Providence College, USA), On non-isothermal viscous nonlocal Cahn$-$Hilliard equations
- 14:15 Lijin Wang (University of Chinese Academy of Science, China), Computational singular perturbation analysis of stochastic differential equations systems with stiffness
- 14:45 Son Luu Nguyen (University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, USA), On the McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting diffusions with Markovian switching
- 15:45 Tae-Hyuk (Ted) Ahn (Saint Louis University, USA)
- 16:15 Everaldo de Mello Bonotto (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- 17:00 Ji Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
- 17:30 Laurent Moonens (Université Paris Sud 11, France)
Organisateurs :
- Maria Soledad Aronna (Fundação Getulio Vargas)
- Luis Briceño Arias (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 151]
- 11:45 Alejandro Jofré (Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chili), Variance-based stochastic extragradient methods with linear search for stochastic variational inequalities
- 12:15 Mario Bravo (Departamento de Matemática y Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chili), Sharp convergence rates for averaged non expansive maps
- 14:15 Héctor Ramírez (Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chili), BIOREMEDIATION OF WATER RESOURCES: AN OPTIMAL CONTROL APPROACH
- 14:45 Michele Palladino (Penn State University, State College, USA), Growth Model for Tree Stems and Vines
- 15:45 Orestes Bueno (Departamento de Economía, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú), The pseudomonotone polar for multivalued operators
- 16:15 John Cotrina (Departamento de Economía, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú), Remarks on $p$-cyclic monotone linear operators
- 17:00 Rafael Correa (Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chili), On Brøndsted-Rockafellar's Theorem for convex lower semicontinuous epi-pointed functions in locally convex spaces
- 17:30 Pedro Pérez-Aros (Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Santiago, Chili), Subdifferential characterization of probability functions under Gaussian distribution
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 151]
- 11:15 Valeriano Antunes de Oliveira (Universidade Estadual Paulista, S. J. do Rio Preto, Brazil), The constant rank constraint qualification in the continuous-time context
- 11:45 Yboon García (Departamento de Economía, Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Perú), Existence results for equilibrium problem
- 13:45 Geraldo Nunes Silva (Universidade Estadual Paulista, S. J. do Rio Preto, Brazil), Minmax control problems and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
- 14:15 Cristopher Hermosilla (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago, Chili), Constrained and impulsive Linear Quadratic control problems
- 14:45 María Soledad Aronna (Escola de Matemática Aplicada, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Second order analysis of bilinear optimal control
- 15:15 Francisco Silva (Xlim, Université de Limoges, Limoges, France), On the variational formulation of some stationary second order MFGs
- 16:15 Luis Briceño Arias (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago, Chili), Forward-Backward-Half forward splitting for solving monotone inclusions
Organisateurs :
- Egon Schulte (Northeastern Universit)
- Marjorie Senechal (Smith College)
- Nikolai Dolbilin (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
- Karoly Bezdek (University of Calgary)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 179]
- 14:15 Marjorie Senechal (Smith College), Icosahedral Snowflakes?
- 14:45 Erin Teich (University of Michigan), Local environments in glassy hard particle systems
- 15:45 Jean-Guillaume Eon (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Topology and symmetry of modular compounds from the viewpoint of their labelled quotient graphs
- 16:15 Mikhail Bouniaev (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA), On the Concept of t-bonded Sets
- 17:00 Undine Leopold (Northeastern University, USA), Euclidean Symmetry of Closed Surfaces Immersed in 3-Space
- 17:30 Egon Schulte (Northeastern University), Highly Symmetric Complexes and Graphs in Ordinary Space
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 179]
- 11:15 Oleg Musin (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA), Extreme Euclidean and spherical point configurations
- 11:45 Nikolai Erokhovets (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia), Operations sufficient to obtain any Pogorelov polytope from barrels. Improvements for fullerenes.
- 13:45 Alexey Glazyrin (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley), Average degrees in sphere packings
- 14:15 Evan DeCorte (McGill University), The Witsenhausen problem in dimension 3
- 14:45 Karoly Bezdek (University of Calgary), On totally separable packings of soft balls
Organisateurs :
- Robert Seiringer (IST)
- Rafael Benguria (Universidad Catolica de Chile)
- Vojkan Jaksic (McGill University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill, McConnell Engineering Building, Rm 12]
- 11:45 Israel Michael Sigal (University of Toronto), On the Bogolubov-de Gennes Equations of Superconductivity
- 14:15 Benjamin Schlein (University of Zurich), Dynamical and spectral properties of Bose-Einstein condensates
- 14:45 Alessandro Giuliani (University of Rome), Haldane relation for interacting dimers
- 15:45 Guiseppe de Nittis (PUC, Chille), Linear Response Theory: An Analytic-Algebraic Approach
- 16:15 Hanne van den Bosch (PUC, Chille), Spectrum of Dirac operators describing Graphene Quantum dots
- 17:00 Jan Philip Solovaj (University of Copenhagen), Dirac operators with magnetic links
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill, McConnell Engineering Building, Rm 12]
- 11:45 Gian Michele Graf (ETH, Zurich), An overview on topological insulators
- 14:15 Jeff Schenker (University of Michigen, East Lansing), Localization in disordered polaron models
- 14:45 Milivoje Lukic (Rice University), Analytic quasiperiodic Schrodinger operators at small coupling
- 15:45 Julio Toloza (University of Cordoba), Dispersion Estimates for Spherical Schrödinger Operators
- 16:15 Rafael Tiedra (PUC, Chille), Spectral analysis of quantum walks with an anisotropic coin
- 17:00 Elliott Lieb (Princeton University), Strichartz Inequality for Orthonormal Functions
Organisateurs :
- Debraj Chakrabarti (Central Michigan University)
- Dan Coman (Syracuse University)
- Rasul Shafikov (University of Western Ontario)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building, Rm 2120]
- 11:45 Ilya Kossovskiy (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Classification of 3-dimensional real-analytic CR-manifolds
- 12:15 Nordine Mir (Texas A&M University Qatar), Convergence of formal CR transformations
- 14:15 Xianghong Gong (University of Wisconsin--Madison, USA), H\"{o}lder estimates for homotopy operators on strictly pseudoconvex domains with $C^2$ boundary
- 14:45 Liz Vivas (Ohio State University, USA), Parabolic skew-products and parametrization
- 15:45 Arturo Fernández Pérez (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil), Residue-type indices, applications to holomorphic foliations and Levi-flat hypersurfaces
- 16:15 Jorge Guillermo Hounie (Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), A Hopf lemma for holomorphic functions in Hardy spaces and applications to CR mappings
- 17:00 Purvi Gupta (University of Western Ontario, Canada), A nonpolynomially convex isotropic torus with no attached discs
- 17:30 Jorge Vitório Pereira (Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil), Holonomy of compact leaves
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building, Rm 2120]
- 11:45 Yunus E Zeytuncu (University of Michigan-- Dearborn, USA), Friedrichs Operator on Pseudoconvex Domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$
- 12:15 Loredana Lanzani (Syracuse University, USA), Holomorphic Singular Integrals: counterexamples to the $L^p$ theory
- 14:15 Sofía Ortega Castillo (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas), Strong pseudoconvexity and Cauchy-Riemann equations
- 14:45 Alcides Lins Neto (Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil), Logarithmic foliations of codimension greater than one
- 15:45 Paul Gauthier (Université de Montréal), Approximation by random holomorphic functions
- 16:15 Eduardo Santillan Zeron (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México), A broad view of $q$-plurisubharmonicity and $q$-pseudoconvexity
- 17:00 Eugene Poletsky (Syracuse University, USA), Hausdorffization of the space of equivalence classes
- 17:30 Damir Kinzebulatov (Université Laval, Canada), Kohn decomposition for forms on coverings of complex manifolds constrained along fibres
Organisateurs :
- Michael Anshelevic (Texas A&M University)
- Octavio Arizmendi (CIMAT)
- James A. Mingo (Queen's University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room 260]
- 11:45 Victor Perez Abreu (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, Guanajuato, Mexico), On new noncommutative processes arising from matricial random processes
- 12:15 Jonathan Novak (University of California, San Diego), Semiclassical asymptotics of $\mathrm{GL}_N(\mathbb{C})$ tensor products
- 14:15 Mario Diaz (Queen's University), A New Application of Free Probability Theory: Data Privacy
- 14:45 Solesne Bourguin (Boston University), Some recent results on Wigner integrals
- 15:45 Paul Skoufranis (York University), Conditional Bi-Free Independence
- 16:15 Yinzheng Gu (Queen's University), Bi-monotonic independence for pairs of algebras
- 17:00 Pierre Tarrago (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, Guanajuato, Mexico), Free wreath product quantum groups and free probability
- 17:30 Jiun-Chau Wang (University of Saskatchewan), Multiplicative bi-free infinite divisibility
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room 260]
- 11:15 Alexandru Nica (University of Waterloo), An application of free cumulants to meandric systems
- 11:45 James Pascoe (Washington University in St. Louis), Applications of model-realization theory to inverse problems in free probability
- 13:45 Todd Kemp (University of California, San Diego), Partitioned Matrices with Correlations
- 14:15 Emily Redelmeier (ISARA Corporation), Cumulants in the finite-matrix and higher-order free cases
- 14:45 Brent Nelson (University of California, Berkeley), Free Stein kernels and an improvement of the free logarithmic Sobolev inequality
- 15:15 Alexey Kuznetsov (York University), Free stable distributions
- 16:15 Isaac Pérez Castillo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Large deviation function for the number of eigenvalues of sparse random graphs inside an interval
Organisateurs :
- Luz Angélica Caudillo-Mata (University of British Columbia)
- Julianne Chung (Virginia Tech)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 45]
- 11:45 Luz Angelica Caudillo Mata (University of British Columbia), Multiscale and Upscaling Methods to Simulate Geophysical Electromagnetic Responses
- 12:15 Jie Sun (Clarkson University), Kernel-based Reconstruction of Spatially Embedded Complex Networks
- 14:15 Wenke Wilhelms (University of British Columbia), The mimetic multiscale method for electromagnetics at a borehole with casing
- 14:45 Christina Frederick (Georgia Tech), Multiscale methods for seafloor identification in sonar imagery
- 15:45 Susana Gomez Gomez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Caracterization of Carbonate Oil Reservoirs, with Euclidean and with Fractal Geometries, using Well Tests Data
- 16:15 Eric Chung (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Cluster-based Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients
- 17:00 Yury Elena García Puerta (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C.), BAYESIAN ANALYSIS OF A MULTI-PATHOGEN MODEL
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 45]
- 11:15 Julianne Chung (Virginia Tech), Computationally efficient methods for Bayesian inversion and uncertainty quantification
- 11:45 Olivier Zahm (MIT), Certified dimension reduction in nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems
- 14:15 Alen Alexanderian (North Carolina State University), Scalable methods for D-optimal experimental design in large-scale Bayesian linear inverse problems
- 14:45 Misha Kilmer (Tufts University), Krylov Recycling for Sequences of Shifted Systems Arising in Image Reconstruction
- 15:15 Tim Hoheisel (McGill University), A New Class of Matrix Support Functionals with Applications
- Pas d'horaire [McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 45]
- Jennifer Mueller (Colorado State University), The direct D-bar method for dynamic EIT reconstructions of pulmonary function
Organisateurs :
- Ihsan Topaloglu (Virginia Commonwealth University)
- Rustum Choksi (McGill University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B36]
- 14:15 Andrew Bernoff (Harvey Mudd College), Biological Aggregation Driven by Social/Environmental Factors: A Nonlocal Model and Its Degenerate Cahn-Hilliard Approximation
- 14:45 Weiran Sun (Simon Fraser University), Radiative Transfer Equation with the Henyey-Greenstein Kernel
- 15:45 Cyrill Muratov (New Jersey Institute of Technology), A universal thin film model for Ginzburg-Landau energy with dipolar interaction
- 16:15 Vesa Julin (University of Jyväskylä), Stability of the Gaussian isoperimetric inequality
- 17:00 Massimiliano Morini (Università degli studi di Parma), Nonlinear stability results for the nonlocal Mullins-Sekerka flow.
- 17:30 Riccardo Cristoferi (Carnegie Mellon University), Periodic critical points of the Ohta-Kawasaki functional
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B36]
- 11:15 Theodore Kolokolnikov (Dalhousie University), The rise and fall of kings: globalization and class mobility
- 11:45 David Shirokoff (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Conic programming of a variational inequality for self-assembly
- 14:15 Almut Burchard (University of Toronto), On a non-local shape optimization problem related with swarming
- 14:45 Robin Neumayer (The University of Texas at Austin), Higher regularity of the free boundary for the fractional obstacle problem
- 15:15 Xin Yang Lu (McGill University), Centroidal Voronoi tessellations and Gersho's conjecture in 3D
- 16:15 Tadele Mengesha (The University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Calderon-Zygmund theory for the spectral fractional elliptic equations
- 16:45 Nestor Guillen (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), Min-max formulas for nonlocal elliptic operators and applications
Organisateurs :
- Tepper L Gill (Howard University)
- Marcia Federson (University of San Carlos)
- Erik Talvila (University of Fraser Valley)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 920]
- 11:45 Erik Talvila (University of the Fraser Valley, Canada), The heat equation with the continuous primitive integral
- 12:15 Sonia Mazzucchi (Universita degli Studi Trento (Italy)), Projective systems of functionals and generalized Feynman-Kac formulae
- 14:15 Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Variational Models for Image Processing
- 15:45 Francisco Javier Mendoza Torres (Benemérita Universidad, México), The Convolution Theorem over a subset of bounded variation functions
- 16:15 Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita (UNIVERSIDADE DE BRASÍLIA, BRAZIL), Generalized ODEs and measure differential equations: results and applications
- 17:00 George Chen (Cape Breton University, Canada), Global Existence for a Singular Gierer-Meinhardt and Enzyme Kinetics System
- 17:30 Mariana Smit Vega Garcia (University of Washington, USA), The singular free boundary in the Signorini problem
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 920]
- 11:45 Luis Angel Gutierrez Mendez (Benemérita Universidad, México), Space of successions classics contained in the space of Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions
- 13:45 Kathryn Hare (University of Waterloo, Canada), Local dimensions of self-similar measures with overlap
- 14:45 Juan Hector Arredondo Ruiz (UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA METROPOLITANA, MÉXICO), On the Factorization theorem in the space of Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions
- 15:15 Alejandro Vélez-Santiago (University of Puerto Rico), A quasi-linear Neumann problem of Ambrosetti-Prodi type in non-smooth domains
- 16:15 Marcia Cristina A. B. Federson (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), The Generalized Feynman Integral and Applications
- 16:45 Timothy Myers (Howard University, USA), Lebesgue Integration on a Banach Space with a Schauder Basis
Organisateurs :
- Jeremiah Bartz (University of North Dakota)
- Christin Bibby (University of Western Ontario)
- Max Wakefield (US Naval Academy)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Room Cartier I & II]
- 11:45 Hiroaki Terao (Hokkaido University), On the Exponents of Restrictions of Weyl Arrangements
- 12:15 Masahiko Yoshinaga (Hokkaido University), Remarks on characteristic quasi-polynomials of deformed Weyl arrangements
- 14:15 Pauline Bailet (University of Bremen), A vanishing result for the first twisted cohomology of affine varieties and applications to line arrangements
- 14:45 Alexander I. Suciu (Northeastern University), Arrangement complements and Milnor fibrations
- 15:45 Daniel C. Cohen (Louisiana State University), Residual freeness of arrangement groups
- 16:15 Barbara Gutierrez (Cinvestav), "Secuencial topological complexity of the complement of complex hyperplane arrangements in general position".
- 17:00 Daniel Moseley (Jacksonville University), The Orlik-Terao algebra and the cohomology of configuration space
- 17:30 Michael J. Falk (Northern Arizona University), Weak orders - left and right - and configuration spaces
- Mercredi 26 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Room Cartier I & II]
- 11:15 Takuro Abe (Kyushu University), Hyperplane arrangements and Hessenberg varieties
- 11:45 Jorge Pereira (IMPA), Representations of quasi-projective groups
- 13:45 Rita Jimenez Rolland (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Stability for hyperplane complements and statistics over finite fields
- 14:15 Nir Gadish (University of Chicago), Finitely generated sequences of arrangements and representation stability
- 14:45 Andrew Berget (Western Washington University), Internal zonotopal algebras and monomial reflection groups
- 15:15 Jeremiah Bartz (University of North Dakota), Induced and Complete Multinets
- 16:15 Emanuele Delucchi (University of Fribourg), Fundamental polytopes of metric trees via hyperplane arrangements
- 16:45 Graham Denham (University of Western Ontario), Local systems on complements of smooth hypersurface arrangements
Organisateurs :
- Amita Malik (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Greg Martin (University of British Columbia)
- Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Duke University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 114]
- 11:45 Damaris Schindler (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), On integral points on degree four del Pezzo surfaces
- 12:15 Amalia Pizarro Madariaga (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile), Irreducible characters with bounded root Artin conductor
- 14:15 Emanuel Carneiro (IMPA, Brazil), Fourier optimization problems in number theory
- 14:45 Arindam Roy (Rice University, USA), On the distribution of imaginary parts of zeros of derivatives of the Riemann $\xi$-function
- 15:45 Akshaa Vatwani (University of Waterloo, Canada), Twin primes and the parity problem
- 16:15 Nathan Ng (University of Lethbridge, Canada), The sixth moment of the Riemann zeta function and ternary additive divisor sums
- 17:00 Piper Harron (University of Hawaii, USA), Shapes of Galois Quartic Number Fields
- 17:30 Ari Shnidman (Boston College, USA), Quadratic twists of an elliptic curve admitting a 3-isogeny
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 114]
- 11:15 Olga Balkanova (University of Turku, Finland), Non-vanishing of automorphic L-functions in the weight aspect
- 11:45 Luis Lomeli (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile), Asai cube L-functions and the local Langlands correspondence
- 13:45 Leo Goldmakher (Williams College, USA), The P\'{o}lya-Vinogradov Inequality
- 14:15 Victor Cuauhtémoc Garcia (Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico), Additive basis with coefficients of newforms
- 14:45 Ayla Gafni (University of Rochester, USA), Pair correlation statistics in subsets of the integers
- 15:15 Sun Kim (University of Illinois, USA), Sums of squares and Bessel functions
- 16:15 Amanda Tucker (University of Rochester, USA), Statistics of genus numbers of cubic fields
- 16:45 Jhon Jairo Bravo Grijalba (University of Cauca, Colombia), Linear forms in k-Fibonacci sequences
Organisateurs :
- Hong bin Guo (University of Ottawa)
- Yanyu Xiao (University of Cincinnati)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 304]
- 11:45 Jianhong Wu (York University, Canada), Epidemic models with multiple delays: impact of diapause
- 12:15 Katia Vogt Geisse (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile), Structured models and their reproduction numbers: Effect of the way of transmission, control measures and social conditions
- 14:15 Zhisheng Shuai (University of Central Florida, USA), Coupled Infectious Disease Models via Asymmetric Movements
- 14:45 Brenda Tapia-Santos (Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico), A model for the dynamics of nonsterilizing HIV vaccines
- 15:45 Yanyu Xiao (University of Cincinati, USA), Seasonal impact on vector-borne disease dynamics
- 16:15 Chunhua Shan (University of Toledo, USA), Oscillations and complex dynamics in mosquito-borne diseases
- 17:00 Xiaotian Wu (University of Montreal, Canada), Model-based and data-driven pharmacokinetic parameter estimation
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 304]
- 11:45 Michael Li (University of Alberta, Canada), Nonidentifiability Issues in Fitting Transmission Models with Disease Data
- 12:15 Max Oliveira de Souza (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil), On Aedes, Wolbachia and the Control of Urban Arboviruses
- 14:15 Yijun Lou (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Modelling Lyme Disease Transmission
- 14:45 Xi Huo (York University, Canada), Modelling Antimicrobial De-escalation: Implications for Stewardship Programs
- 15:45 Hongbin Guo (University of Ottawa, Canada), Global stability for a class of epidemiological models with multiple age structures
- 16:15 Zhenguo Bai (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), A reaction-diffusion malaria model with seasonality and incubation period
Organisateurs :
- Matt Kerr (Washington University)
- Charles Doran (University of Alberta & University of Maryland)
- James Lewis (University of Alberta)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 203]
- 11:45 Charles Doran (University of Alberta), Hodge Numbers from Picard-Fuchs Equations
- 14:15 Pedro Luis del Angel (CIMAT), Specialization of cycles and the K-theory elevator
- 15:45 Colleen Robles (Duke University), Generalizing the Satake-Bailey-Borel compactification
- 17:00 Phillip Griffiths (Institute for Advanced Study), Hodge Theory and Moduli
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 203]
- 14:15 Patrick Brosnan (University of Maryland), Perverse obstructions to regular flat compactifications
- 15:45 Andreas Malmendier (Utah State University), Geometry of (1,2)-polarized Kummer surfaces
- 17:00 Andrew Harder (University of Miami), Hodge numbers of Landau-Ginzburg models
Organisateurs :
- Daniel K. Nakano (University of Georgia)
- Michael Lau (Laval University)
- Vyacheslav Futorny (University of São Paulo)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room 260]
- 11:45 Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier University), Simple Witt modules that are $U(\mathfrak{h})$-free modules of finite rank
- 12:15 Reimundo Heluani (IMPA, Brazil), Cohomology of vertex algebras
- 14:15 Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa), An equivalence between truncations of categorified quantum groups and Heisenberg categories
- 14:45 Dimitar Grantcharov (University of Texas, Arlington), Bounded weight modules of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the affine space
- 15:45 Ben Cox (College of Charleston), On the universal central extension of certain Krichever-Novikov algebras.
- 16:15 Adriano Moura (University of Campinas), Tensor Products of Integrable Modules for Affine Algebras, Demazure Flags, and Partition Identities
- 17:00 Arturo Pianzola (University of Alberta), Lie algebroids arising from infinite dimensional Lie theory
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room 260]
- 11:45 Mikhail Kotchetov (Memorial University), Graded-simple modules via the loop construction
- 12:15 Georgia Benkart (University of Wisconsin, Madison), A Tangled Approach to Cross Product Algebras, Their Invariants and Centralizers
- 14:15 Andrea Solotar (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Some invariants of the super Jordan plane
- 14:45 Nicolas Libedinsky (Universidad de Chile), The Anti-spherical category
- 15:45 Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley), Representations of direct limits of classical Lie algebras and superalgebras
- 16:15 Jonathan Kujawa (University of Oklahoma), On Cyclotomic Schur Algebras
- 17:00 Apoorva Khare (Stanford University), The Weyl-Kac weight formula
- Pas d'horaire [McGill U., Arts Building, Room 260]
- Cornelius Pillen (University of South Alabama), Lifting modules of a finite group of Lie type to its ambient algebraic group
Organisateurs :
- Daniel Barrera Salazar (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
- Lucio Guerberoff (University College London)
- Adrian Iovita (Concordia University)
- Ricardo Menares Valencia (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 115]
- 11:45 Ariel Pacetti (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Non-paritious Hilbert modular forms
- 12:30 Gonzalo Tornaría (Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay), Waldspurger formula for Hilbert modular forms
- 14:30 Luis Lomelí (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), Globalization of supercuspidal representations over function fields and applications
- 15:45 Ricardo Menares (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), Non-optimal levels of reducible mod l Galois representations
- 16:30 Claus Sorensen (University of California, San Diego), Insensitivity of deformation rings under parabolic induction
- 17:15 Aftab Pande (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Reductions of Galois Representations
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 115]
- 11:15 Ellen Eischen (University of Oregon), Automorphic forms, congruences, and p-adic L-functions
- 13:30 Daniel Barrera Salazar (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya), On the exceptional zeros of p-adic L-functions of Hilbert modular forms
- 14:15 Matías Victor Moya Giusti (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics), Ghost classes in the cohomology of the Shimura variety associated to GSp(4)
- 15:00 Florence Gillibert (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), Abelian surfaces with quaternionic multiplication, and rational points on Atkin-Lehner quotients of Shimura curves
- 16:15 Daniel Kohen (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Heegner point constructions
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [Rutherford Physics Building, Room 118, McGill]
- 11:45 Briceyda Delgado (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional), Hilbert Transform associated to the main Vekua equation
- 12:15 Siddhi Pathak (Queen's University), On a Conjecture of Livingston
- 14:15 Jean Lagacé (Université de Montréal), Lattice point counting in spectral theory
- 14:45 Miriam Bocardo Gaspar (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional), Local zeta functions and p-adic string amplitudes
- 15:45 Jordan Kostiuk (University of Alberta), Geometrization of Supersymmetry Algebras
- 16:15 Yurij Salmaniw (McMaster University), Bounded Solutions to a Singular Parabolic System
- 17:00 Kento Osuga (University of Alberta), Supereigenvalue Models and Topological Recursion
- 17:30 Octavian Mitria (University of Western Ontario), Open Whitney umbrellas are locally polynomially convex
- Vendredi 28 juil [Rutherford Physics Building, Room 118, McGill]
- 11:45 Marie Lafrance (Université de Montréal), Supersymmetric sigma models and constant solutions
- 12:15 Thad Janisse (University of Toronto), Finding Subalgebras of Real Semisimple Lie Algebras
- 14:15 Nancy Wallace (Université du Québec à Montreal), Une généralisation de l'opérateur $\nabla$. A generalization of the $\nabla$ operator. (Talk in French slides in English)
- 14:45 Nitin Chidambaram (University of Alberta), Topological recursion and quantum curves
- 15:45 Victor I. Bravo Reyna (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas), Electromagnetism on supersymmetric structures
- 16:15 Sumin Leem (University of Calgary), Cryptographic pairings and applications
- 17:00 Olivier Binette (Université du Québec à Montreal), Bayesian learning: semiparametric modelling and asymptotic theory
- 17:30 Arpita Kar (Queen's University), A conjecture of Bateman regarding $r_5$$(n)$
Organisateurs :
- Lia Bronsard (McMaster University)
- Tiziana Giorgi (New Mexico State University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B39]
- 11:45 Peter Sternberg (Indiana University Bloomington - USA), Phrase transitions in a model for nematic liquid crystals
- 12:15 Radu Ignat (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - France), A DeGiorgi type conjecture for divergence-free maps
- 14:15 Dmitry Golovaty (University of Akron - USA), On minimizers of Landau-de Gennes energy for nematic liquid crystals
- 14:45 Sookyung Joo (Old Dominion University - USA), Polarization-modulated orthogonal smectic liquid crystals
- 15:45 Maria Aguareles (Universitat de Girona - Spain), Laws of motion for spiral waves in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in bounded domains
- 16:15 Giacomo Canevari (University of Oxford - UK), Sets of topological singularities for vector-valued maps
- 17:00 Ihsan Topaloglu (Virginia Commonwealth University - USA), Height-constrained nonlocal interactions energies via degenerate diffusion
- 17:30 Duvan A. Henao Manrique (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Chile), Existence of minimizers of the neoHookean energy in 3D
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B39]
- 11:15 Oleg Lavrentovich (Kent State University - USA), “Singularities and Flows in Living Liquid Crystals”
- 11:45 Arghir Dani Zarnescu (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), On the dynamical emergence of nematic defects
- 14:15 Stanley Alama (McMaster University - Canada), Energy minimizing patterns for a copolymer model with confinement
- 14:45 Lidia Mrad (University of Arizona - USA), Dynamic Analysis of Chevron Structures in Smectics
- 15:15 Rémy Rodiac (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Chile), Regularity of limiting vorticities of the Ginzburg-Landau equations
- 16:15 Xavier Lamy (Institut de Mathématique de Toulouse), Lifting line fields to director fields with bounded variation
- 16:45 Tiziana Giorgi (New Mexico State University - USA), Switching mechanism in the $B_{\text{1RevTilted}}$ phase of bent-core liquid crystals
Organisateurs :
- Yaiza Canzani (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Dmitry Jakobson (McGill University)
- Federico Rodriguez Hertz (Pennsylvania State University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 60]
- 11:45 Alex Kontorovich (Rutgers University, USA), The SuperPAC: Superintegral Packing Arithmeticity Conjecture
- 14:15 Steve Zelditch (Northwestern University, USA), Intersections of nodal sets and curves and geometric control
- 15:45 Chris Sogge (Johns Hopkins University, USA), On the concentration of eigenfunctions
- 17:00 Xiangjin Xu (SUNY Binghampton), Gradient estimates for spectral clusters and Carleson measures on compact manifolds with boundary.
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 60]
- 11:45 Pablo Shmerkin (Universidad di Tella, Argentina), Normal numbers and fractal measures
- 14:15 Tatyana Barron (University of Western Ontario, Canada), Vector-valued Poincar\'e series on G/K
- 15:45 Richard Froese (University of British Columbia, Canada), Resonances lost and found
- 17:00 Jean Lagacé (Universite de Montreal), The Steklov spectrum of cuboids
Organisateurs :
- Henrique Burstyn (IMPA, Brazil)
- Lisa Jeffrey (University of Toronto)
- Liviu Mare (University of Regina)
- Catalin Zara (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 13]
- 11:45 Rebecca Goldin (George Mason University, USA), On equivariant structure constants for G/B
- 12:15 Jeffrey Carlson (University of Toronto, Canada), Equivariant formality beyond Hamiltonian actions
- 14:15 Victor Guillemin (MIT, USA), Torus actions with collinear weights
- 15:45 Nasser Heydari (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), Equivariant Perfection and Kirwan Surjectivity in Real Symplectic Geometry
- 16:15 Alejandro Cabrera (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Odd symplectic supergeometry, characteristic classes and reduction
- 17:00 Shlomo Sternberg (Harvard University, USA), The Stasheff associahedron
- 17:30 Yael Karshon (University of Toronto, Canada), Classification results in equivariant symplectic geometry
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 13]
- 11:15 Alessia Mandini (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases -- Part I
- 11:45 Ana Rita Pires (Fordham University, USA), Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases - Part II
- 13:45 Daniele Sepe (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil), Integrable billiards and symplectic embeddings
- 14:15 Eckhard Meinrenken (University of Toronto, Canada), On the quantization of Hamiltonian loop group spaces
- 14:45 Leonardo Mihalcea (Virginia Tech University, USA), An affine quantum cohomology ring
- 15:15 Jonathan Weitsman (Northeastern University, USA), On Geometric Quantization of (some) Poisson Manifolds
- 16:15 Steven Rayan (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), The quiver at the bottom of the twisted nilpotent cone on $\mathbb{CP}^1$
- 16:45 Elisheva Adina Gamse (Univeristy of Toronto, Canada), Vanishing theorems in the cohomology ring of the moduli space of parabolic vector bundles
Organisateurs :
- Carlos García Azpeitia (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Renato Calleja (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Andrés Contreras Marcillo (New Mexico State University)
- Walter Craig (McMaster University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1205]
- 11:45 Geordie Richards (University of Rochester), On invariant Gibbs measures for generalized KdV
- 12:15 Robert L. Jerrard (University of Toronto), dynamics of nearly-parallel vortex filaments in the Gross-Pitaevskii equations
- 14:15 Luis Vega (Universidad del País Vasco)
- 14:45 Andres Contreras (New Mexico State University), Eigenvalue preservation for the Beris-Edwards system
- 15:45 Cheng Yu (University of Texas at Austin)
- 16:15 Stefan Le Coz (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse), Stability of multi-solitons for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- 17:00 Walter Craig (McMaster University), A Hamiltonian and its Birkhoff normal form for water waves
- 17:30 Renato Calleja (Universidad Nacional Auntónoma de México), Symmetries and choreographies in families that bifurcate from the polygonal relative equilibrium of the n-body problem
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1205]
- 11:15 Michela Procesi (Universitá di Roma Tre), Finite dimensional invariant tori in PDEs
- 11:45 Yannick Sire (John Hopkins University), A posteriori KAM for PDEs
- 13:45 Slim Ibrahim (University of Victoria), Ground State Solutions of the Gross Pitaevskii Equation Associated to Exciton-Polariton Bose-Einstein Condensates
- 14:15 Rosa María Vargas Magaña (Universidad Nacional Auntónoma de México), Whitham-Boussinesq model for variable depth topography. Results on normal and trapped modes for non trivial geometries.
- 14:45 Livia Corsi (Georgia Institute of Technology), A non-separable locally integrable Hamiltonian system
- 15:15 Nicholas Faulkner (University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Equivariant KAM
Organisateurs :
- Florin Diacu (University of Victoria)
- Ernesto Perez-Chavela (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico)
- Cristina Stoica (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B36]
- 11:45 Alessandro Portaluri (University of Torino, Italy), Index theory, Maslov index, Spectral flow, Colliding trajectories, Parabolic motions, Homothetic orbits
- 12:15 Stefanella Boatto (Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), N-body and N-vortex dynamics on surfaces of revolution : curvature and topological contributions
- 14:15 Ernesto Perez-Chavela (ITAM, México), New families of relative equilibria in the curved N-body problem
- 14:45 Jaime Andrade (Univerdsidad del Bío, Bío, Chile), Regularization of the restricted three body problem on surfaces of constant curvature
- 15:45 Cristina Stoica (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada), Remarks on the n-body dynamics on surfaces of revolution
- 16:15 Antonio Hernandez-Garduno (UNAM, México), Symmetric bifurcations of relative equilibria and isotropy for an $X_2 Y$ molecule
- 17:00 Lennard Bakker (Brigham Young University, USA), Topological Existence of Periodic Orbits in a Two-Center Symmetric Pair Problem
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B36]
- 11:45 Tanya Schmah (University of Ottawa), Controlling rigid body attitude via shape change
- 12:15 Marian Gidea (Yeshiva University, New York, USA), Computer assisted proof of Arnold diffusion in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem
- 14:15 Ezequiel Maderna (Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruquay), Applications of weak KAM theory to some gravitational problems
- 14:45 Toshiaki Fujiwara (College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kitasato University, Japan), Figure-eight solution and slalom solutions in function space
- 15:45 Ding Liang (Sichuan University, China), Some notes on planar Newtonian four-body central configurations with adjacent equal masses
- 16:15 Zhiqiang Wang (Chongqing University, Chongqing, China), central configurations formed by nested regular polygons with unequal masses
- 17:00 Zhifu Xie (The University of Southern Mississippi, USA), Super Central Configurations and the Number of Central Configurations Under Geometric Equivalence
Organisateurs :
- Simon Huang and Svenja Huntemann (Studc)
Présentations :
- Pas d'horaire [aucun emplacement spécifié]
- Sarah Malick (Clemson University), A connection between grad-div stabilized FE solutions and pointwise divergence-free FE solutions on general meshes
- Ismail Abouamal (Université de Montréal), A fifth-order quantum superintegrable system and its relation with the Painlevé property.
- Ahmed Ashraf (Western University), Combinatorial Characters of Symmetric Group
- Ahmed Zerouali (University of Toronto), Duistermaat-Heckman Measure of a Twisted q-Hamiltonian Space
- Mariia Myronova (Université de Montréal), Dynamical generation of graphene
- Pavel Zenon Sejas Paz (University of Brasília), EM heating stimulated water flooding for medium-heavy oil recovery
- Masoumeh sajedi (Universite de Montreal), Fourth order Superintegrable systems separating in Cartesian coordinates- Exotic quantum potentials
- Felipe Yukihide Yasumura (State University of Campinas), Gradings on upper triangular matrices and their graded automorphisms
- RAMIRO PEÑAS GALEZO (Universidad del Atlántico), Mathematical model of coupled elasto plastic membranes
- Sadia Ansari (Loyola University Chicago), Minimal Generating Sets of the Symmetric Group
- Jeovanny de Jesus Muentes Acevedo (Universidade de Sao Paulo), On the Continuity of the Topological Entropy of Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems
- Bruna Cassol dos Santos (Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University of São Paulo), Qualitative study for a vector-borne epidemic model
- Carlos Valero (University of Waterloo), Separation of Variables on Spaces of Constant Curvature
- Garcia Gallegos Monica del Rocio (Univesité du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)), Stability Conditions and Non Crossing Tree Partitions
- Zofia Grabowiecka (Université de Montréal), Subsymmetry decomposition of $H_3$ polytopes
- Bruno Costa (University of São Paulo), Symmetries and Lie groupoids
- Héctor Barge (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Topology and dynamics of quasi-attractors and IFS attractors
- Santiago Miler Quispe Mamani (Universidade de Brasilia), Torsion Free Modules Decomposition as Direct Sum of Modules with Rank 1
Organisateurs :
- Alan Arroyo (University of Waterloo)
- Adriana Hansberg (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM Juriquilla)
- Bruce Richter (University of Waterloo)
- Gelasio Salazar (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Salon International I & II]
- 11:45 Maya Stein (Universidad de Chile), Partitions into monochromatic subgraphs
- 12:15 Amanda Montejano (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), The existence of zero-sum subgraphs in $\{-1, 1\}$-weightings of $E(K_n)$
- 14:15 Rob Morris (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada), The typical structure of sparse graphs in hereditary properties
- 14:45 Juan José Montellano (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Transversals of sequences
- 15:45 Sulamita Klein (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Graph Sandwich Problems and Graphs Partition Poblems: how do they relate?
- 16:15 Yoshiko Wakabayashi (Universidade de São Paulo), Decomposing highly connected graphs into paths of any given length
- 17:00 Ortrud Oellermann (University of Winnipeg), On the Mean Order of Certain Types of Substructures of Graphs
- 17:30 Sergey Norin (McGill University), Asymptotic density of graphs excluding a disconnected minor
- Mercredi 26 juil [Centre Mont Royal, Salon International I & II]
- 11:45 Alexandr Kostochka (University of Illininois at Urbana-Champaign), Packing chromatic number of subcubic graphs
- 13:45 Silvia Fernández (California State University, Northridge), Rectilinear Local Crossing Numbers of Complete and Complete Bipartite Graphs
- 14:15 Martín Safe (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina), Characterizing and finding forbidden subgraphs for subclasses of circular-arc graphs
- 14:45 Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo), Stability for matchings in regular tripartite hypergraphs
- 15:15 Marcos Kiwi (Universidad de Chile), Bijective Proof of Kasteleyn's Toroidal Perfect Matching Cancellation Theorem
- 16:15 Jacob Fox (MIT), Regularity methods in discrete geometry
Organisateurs :
- Benoit Charbonneau (University of Waterloo)
- Sergey Cherkis (University of Arizona)
- Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 203]
- 11:45 Andres Larrain-Hubach (University of Dayton), The Nahm Transform on Taub-NUT Space
- 12:15 Mark Stern (Duke University), Instantons on ALF spaces
- 14:15 Andrew B. Royston (Texas A-M), Magnetic Monopoles and N=2 super Yang-Mills
- 14:45 Gonçalo Oliveira (Duke University), Gauge Theory and SU(3) structures
- 16:15 Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo), Hermitian-Einstein equations on generalized K\"ahler manifolds
- 17:00 Andriy Haydys (Universität Bielefeld), The Seiberg-Witten equations with multiple spinors in dimension three
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Birks Building, Room 203]
- 11:15 Lorenzo Foscolo (Stony Brook), Non-compact G2 manifolds from asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau 3-folds
- 11:45 Ljudmila Kamenova (Stony Brook University), Hyperbolicity in hyperkaehler geometry
- 13:45 Andrew Clarke (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), $G_2$ structures and the Strominger system in dimension $7$
- 14:15 Henrique Sá Earp (UNICAMP), Construction of $\rm G_2$-instantons via twisted connected sums
- 14:45 Florent Schaffhauser (Universidad de Los Andes), Hitchin components for fundamental groups of 2-orbifolds
- 15:15 Laura Schaposnik (University of Illinois at Chicago), On some singular fibres of the Hitchin fibration
- 16:15 Pedram Hekmati (IMPA), E-polynomials of singular character varieties
- 16:45 Ákos Nagy (University of Waterloo), The Berry Connection of the Ginzburg–Landau Vortices
Organisateurs :
- Ibrahim Assem (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Raymundo Bautista (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Flavio Ulhoa Coelho (Universidade de São Paulo)
- Ralf Schiffler (University of Connecticut)
- Sonia Trepode (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-20]
- 11:45 Shiping Liu (University of Sherbrooke), Auslander-Reiten components with bounded short cycles
- 12:15 Hernán Giraldo (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), Shapes of Auslander-Reiten Triangles
- 14:15 Charles Paquette (University of Connecticut, USA), Group actions on cluster categories and cluster algebras
- 14:45 Daniel Labardini (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico), Species with potential arising from surfaces with orbifold points
- 15:45 Khrystyna Serhiyenko (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Mutation of Conway-Coxeter friezes
- 16:15 Diane Castonguay (Universidade Federal de Goias, Goiania, Brasil), Polynomial recognition of cluster algebras of finite type
- 17:00 Pamela Suárez (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina), On the global dimension of the endomorphism algebra of a $\tau$-tilting module
- 17:30 Thomas Brüstle (Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada), Stability conditions and torsion classes
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-20]
- 11:45 Maria Julia Redondo (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina), Cohomology of partial smash products
- 12:15 Yadira Valdivieso Diaz (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina), Computing homologies of algebras from surfaces
- 14:15 Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Irreducible components of varieties of representations
- 14:45 José A. Vélez (Valdosta State University, Georgia (USA)), Universal deformation rings of string modules over a class of self-injective special biserial algebras
- 15:45 Frauke Bleher (University of Iowa, USA), Support varieties and holomorphic differentials
- 16:15 Emine Yildirim (Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada), Periodic behavior of Auslander-Reiten translation
- 17:00 Hugh Thomas (Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada), Nilpotent endomorphisms of quiver representations and reverse plane partitions
- 17:30 José Antonio de la Peña (Centro de Investigación en Matematicas, Guanajuato, Mexico), Weakly non-negative quadratic forms (revisited)
Organisateurs :
- Harald Andres Helfgott (Universitat Gottingen)
- Roberto Miatello (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba)
- Maksym Radziwill (McGill University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 115]
- 11:45 Henryk Iwaniec (Rutgers University), Critical zeros of L-functions
- 12:15 John Friedlander (University of Toronto), On Dirichlet $L$-functions
- 14:15 Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford University), Value distribution of L-functions.
- 14:45 Emanuel Carneiro (IMPA), Bandlimited approximations and estimates for the Riemann zeta-function
- 15:45 Lola Thompson (Oberlin College), Bounded gaps between primes and the length spectra of arithmetic hyperbolic $3$-orbifolds
- 16:15 Henry Kim (University of Toronto), The least prime in a conjugacy class
- 17:00 Emilio Lauret (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina)), One-norm spectrum of a lattice
- 17:30 Alex Kontorovich (Rutgers University), Beyond Expansion and Arithmetic Chaos
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 115]
- 12:15 Amir Mohammadi (University of California at San Diego), Effective equidistribution of certain adelic periods
- 14:15 Misha Belolipetsky (IMPA), Lehmer's problem and triangulations of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-orbifolds
- 14:45 Clara Aldana (Universite du Luxembourg), Determinants of Laplacians on surfaces with singularities
- 15:45 Alireza Golsefidy (University of California at San Diego), Super-approximation
- 16:15 Corentin Perret-Gentil (CRM, Montreal), Quotients of elliptic curves over finite fields
- 17:00 Anthony Varilly-Alvarado (Rice University), On a uniform boundedness conjecture for Brauer groups of K3 surfaces
Organisateurs :
- Zeljko Cuckovic (University of Toledo)
- Nikolai Vasilevski (CINVESTAV)
- Nina Zorboska (University of Manitoba)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-215]
- 11:45 Dmitry Khavinson (University of South Florida, USA), Vanishing of reproducing kernels in spaces of analytic functions
- 12:15 Raul Curto (University of Iowa, USA), A New Necessary Condition for the Hyponormality of Toeplitz Operators on the Bergman Space
- 14:15 Lewis Coburn (SUNY at Buffalo, USA), Toeplitz Quantization
- 14:45 Nikolai Vasilevski (CINVESTAV, Mexico), Toeplitz operators defined by sesquilinear forms
- 15:45 Trieu Le (University of Toledo, USA), Commutants of Separately Radial Toeplitz Operators on the Bergman Space
- 16:15 Nina Zorboska (University of Manitoba), Intrinsic operators on spaces of holomorphic functions
- 17:00 Javad Mashreghi (Universite Laval, Canada), The Gleason--Kahane--Zelazko theorem for modules
- 17:30 Ruhan Zhao (SUNY at Brockport, USA), Closures of Hardy and Hardy-Sobolev spaces in the Bloch type space on the unit ball
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-215]
- 11:15 Raphael Clouatre (University of Manitoba, Canada), Annihilating ideals and spectra for commuting row contractions
- 11:45 Michael Stessin (SUNY at Albany, USA), Spectral characterization of representations of symmetry groups
- 13:45 Thomas Ransford (Universite Laval), Cyclicity in the harmonic Dirichlet space
- 14:15 Catherine Beneteau (University of South Florida, USA), Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants in Dirichlet-type spaces
- 14:45 Raul Quiroga-Barranco (CIMAT, Mexico), Toeplitz operators, special symbols and moment maps
- 15:15 Yunus Zeytuncu (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Compactness of Hankel and Toeplitz operators on domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$
- 16:15 Maribel Loaiza (CINVESTAV, Mexico), On Toeplitz operators on the poly harmonic Bergman space
- 16:45 Armando Sanchez-Nungaray (Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico), Commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators on the Siegel domain
Organisateurs :
- Krzysztof Burdzy (University of Washington)
- Yuval Peres (Microsoft)
- Pablo Ferrari (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
- Jeremy Quastel (University of Toronto)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-20]
- 11:45 Augusto Teixeira (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada), Sharpness of the phase transition for continuum percolation in $R^2$
- 12:15 Alexander Fribergh (Universite de Montreal), The ant in the labyrinth
- 14:15 Frederi Viens (Michigan State University), Applications of the analysis on Wiener space
- 14:45 Maria Gordina (University of Connecticut), Couplings for hypoelliptic diffusions
- 16:15 Serguei Popov (University of Campinas - UNICAMP), Two-dimensional random interlacements
- 17:00 Sanchayan Sen (McGill University), Novel scaling limits for random discrete structures
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Arts Building, Room W-20]
- 11:15 Lionel Levine (Cornell University), Random Harmonic Functions
- 11:45 Tom Hutchcroft (University of British Colombia), The strange geometry of high-dimensional random forests
- 13:45 Eyal Lubetzky (New York University), Mixing times of critical Potts models
- 14:15 Tianyi Zheng (University of California, San Diego), Joint behavior of volume growth and entropy of random walks on groups
- 14:45 Mykhaylo Shkolnikov (Princeton University), Edge of spiked beta ensembles
- 15:15 Li-Cheng Tsai (Columbia University), The Speed-$ N^2 $ Large Deviations of the TASEP
- 16:15 Jessica Lin (McGill University), Optimal Error Estimates in the Stochastic Homogenization for Elliptic Equations in Nondivergence Form
- 16:45 Leonardo Rolla (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Absorbing-State Phase Transitions 3.0
Organisateurs :
- Dan Margalit (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Dani Wise (McGill University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 100]
- 11:45 David Futer (Temple University), Geometrizing generic few-relator groups
- 12:15 Eduardo Martinez-Pedroza (Memorial Universtity of Newfoundland), Subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups of relative dimension 2
- 14:15 Priyam Patel (University of California Santa Barbar), Algebraic and topological properties of big mapping class groups
- 14:45 Balazs Strenner (Georgia Institute of Technology), Fast computation in mapping class groups
- 15:45 Tarik Aougab (Brown University), Weil-Petersson analogs for metric graphs
- 16:15 Jing Tao (Oklahoma University), Coarse geometry of the Thurston metric
- 17:00 Pallavi Dani (Louisiana State University), Subgroup distortion in hyperbolic groups
- 17:30 Tullia Dymarz (University of Wisconsin), A model for random nilpotent groups
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Trottier Building (Engineering), Room 100]
- 11:15 Johanna Mangahas (University of Buffalo), Normal right-angled Artin group subgroups of mapping class groups
- 11:45 Sam Taylor (Yale University), Largest projections for random walks
- 13:45 Jason Behrstock (City University of New York), Quasiflats in hierarchically hyperbolic spaces
- 14:15 Talia Fernos (University of North Carolina at Greensboro), Regular Isometries of CAT(0) Cube Complexes are Plentiful
- 14:45 Jason Manning (Cornell University), Cubulations from improper actions
- 15:15 Jingyin Huang (McGill University), Virtual specialness without hyperbolicity
- 16:15 Rita Jimenez-Rolland (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Powers of the Euler class for the pure mapping class group
- 16:45 Bena Tshishuku (Harvard University), Obstructions to Nielsen realization
Organisateurs :
- Xi Chen (University of Alberta)
- Charles Doran (University of Alberta, Canada and University of Maryland)
- Javier Elizondo (UNAM)
- Daniel Labardini-Fragoso (UNAM)
- James Lewis (University of Alberta)
- Noriko Yui (Queens University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, 204]
- 11:45 Yuri Tschinkel (NYU)
- 14:15 Mike Roth (Queens University), Some diophantine applications of local positivity
- 15:45 Andrea Solotar (University of Buenos Aires), Hochschild cohomology of 3-dimensional Sridharan algebras
- 17:00 Steven Lu (UQAM), Projective Kahler Manifolds with semi-negative holomorphic sectional curvature
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, 204]
- 11:15 Radu Lazu (Stony Brook University), (Talk Cancelled)
- 13:45 Katrin Wendland (University of Freiburg), Hodge-elliptic genera and how they govern K3 theories
- 14:45 Pedro Luis del Angel (CIMAT), Variations of Hodge structures associated to some equisingular families of Calaby-Yau varieties.
- 16:15 Charles Doran (University of Alberta), Calabi-Yau Threefolds Fibered by High Rank Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces
Organisateurs :
- Manuel del Pino (Universidad de Chile)
- Jérôme Vétois (McGill University)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B24]
- 14:15 Juan Davila (Universidad de Chile), Vortices for the 2D Euler equation
- 15:45 Robert Jerrard (University of Toronto), Dynamics of defects in a semilinear wave equation
- 17:00 Jose Mazon (University of Valencia), Kurdyka-\L{}ojasiewicz-Simon inequality for gradient flows in metric spaces
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B24]
- 11:15 Monica Clapp (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Towers of nodal bubbles for the Bahri-Coron problem in punctured domains
- 13:45 Yannick Sire (Johns Hopkins University), A singular perturbation problem for the fractional Allen-Cahn equation
- 14:45 Julio Rossi (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Maximal operators for the $p$-Laplacian family
- 16:15 Boyan Sirakov (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro), Exact multiplicity results for a nonlinear elliptic problem, and geometric structure of the set of solutions
Organisateurs :
- James Colliander (University of British Columbia)
- Juraj Földes (University of Virginia)
- Nathan Glatt-Holtz (Tulane University)
- Geordie Richards (Utah State University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1214]
- 11:45 Catherine Sulem (University of Toronto), Surface water waves over bathymetry
- 12:15 Susan Friedlander (University of Southern California), Asymptotics for magnetostrophic turbulence in the Earth's fluid core
- 14:15 Helena Nussenzveig Lopes (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Critical Regularity for Energy Conservation in 2D Inviscid Fluid Dynamics
- 14:45 Vlad Vicol (Princeton University), Nonuniqueness of weak solutions to the SQG equation
- 15:45 Dana Mendelson (University of Chicago), Probabilistic scattering for the 4D energy-critical defocusing nonlinear wave equation
- 16:15 Benoit Pausader (Brown University), Global existence for a wave-Klein-Gordon system
- 17:00 Vincent Martinez (Tulane University), Applications of asymptotic coupling in hydrodynamic and related equations
- 17:30 Konstantin Matetski (University of Toronto), Convergence of general weakly asymmetric exclusion processes
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1214]
- 11:45 Karen Zaya (University of Michigan), On Regularity Properties for Fluid Equations
- 12:15 Magdalena Czubak (University of Colorado Boulder), The fluids equations on a hyperbolic space.
- 14:15 Renato Calleja (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Construction of Quasi-Periodic Response Solutions for Forced Systems with Strong Damping
- 14:45 Camelia Pop (University of Minnesota), Boundary estimates for a degenerate parabolic equation with partial Dirichlet boundary conditions
- 15:45 Michele Coti-Zelati (University of Maryland), Stochastic perturbations of passive scalars and small noise inviscid limits
- 16:15 David Herzog (Iowa State University), Scaling and saturation in infinite-dimensional control problems with applications to SPDEs
Organisateurs :
- Evelyn Lunasin (United States Naval Academy)
- Gantumur Tsogtgerel (McGill University)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 11]
- 11:45 Cecilia Mondaini (Texas A&M University), Analysis of a feedback-control data assimilation algorithm
- 12:15 Michael Jolly (Indiana University), A determining form for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation
- 14:15 Anna Mazzucato (Pennsylvania State University), On the two-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation
- 14:45 Adam Larios (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Continuous Data Assimilation: Multiphysics and Nonlinear Feedback
- 15:45 Susan Friedlander (University of Southern California), Small parameter limits for magnetogeostrophic turbulence.
- 16:15 Slim Ibrahim (University of Victoria), Analysis of a Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) system
- 17:00 Hakima Bessaih (University of Wyoming), Mean field limit of interacting filaments and vector valued non linear PDEs
- 17:30 Michael Dabkowski (Lawrence Technological University), On the Global Stability of a Nonlinear PDE with a Nonlocal Term
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 11]
- 11:45 Edriss Titi (Texas A&M University / Weizmann Institute), Recent advances concerning the Primitive Equations of oceanic and atmospheric dynamics
- 12:15 Elaine Cozzi (Oregon State University), The aggregation equation with Newtonian potential
- 14:15 Xinwei Yu (University of Alberta, Edmonton), Some new Prodi-Serrin type conditions for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
- 14:45 Aseel Farhat (University of Virginia), Geometry of 3D turbulent flows and the scaling gap in the 3D Navier-Stokes regularity problem
- 15:45 Milton Lopes Filho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Incompressible, ideal flows around many small obstacles
- 16:15 Karen Zaya (University of Michigan), On Regularity Properties for Fluid Equations
- 17:00 Theodore Drivas (Johns Hopkins University), An Onsager Singularity Theorem for Solutions of the Compressible Euler Equations
- 17:30 Mimi Dai (University of Illinois, Chicago), Kolmogorov's dissipation number and the number of degrees of freedom for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
Organisateurs :
- Jean-Christophe Nave (McGill University)
- Pascal Poullet (Université des Antilles)
Présentations :
- Jeudi 27 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 13]
- 11:45 Leo Rebholz (Clemson University, USA), On conservation laws of Navier-Stokes Galerkin discretizations
- 14:45 John Bowman (University of Alberta, Canada), On the Global Attractor of 2D Incompressible Turbulence with Random Forcing
- 15:45 Andy Wan, Conservative schemes for dynamical systems with application to vortex dynamics
- 17:00 Alexandre Noll Marques (MIT, USA), Solving flow problems to high order of accuracy with embedded boundaries
- 17:30 Pascal Poullet (Université des Antilles, France), An explicit predictor-corrector scheme for sediment transports
- Vendredi 28 juil [McGill U., McConnell Engineering Building, Room 13]
- 14:45 David Shirokoff (NJIT, USA), Unconditional Stability for Multistep Imex Schemes
- 15:45 Alexander Bihlo (Memorial University, Canada), A well-balanced meshless tsunami propagation and inundation model
- 17:00 Geoff McGregor, A Parametric Interpolation Framework for 1D Scalar Conservation Laws using the Equal Area Principle
- 17:30 Jean-Christophe Nave (McGill University, Canada), Solving Incompressible 2D Euler’s Equations with Exponential Resolution
Organisateurs :
- Felipe Linares (IMPA)
- Gustavo Ponce (University of California)
- Catherine Sulem (University of Toronto)
Présentations :
- Mardi 25 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B23]
- 11:45 Luis Vega (BCAM and Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain), The Talbot effect and the dynamics of vortex filaments: transfer of energy and momentum
- 12:15 Didier Pilod (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil), Construction of a minimal mass blow up solution of the modified Benjamin-Ono equation
- 14:45 Andrea Nahmod (University of Massachussetts, Amherst, USA), Probabilistic well-posedness for 2D wave equations with derivative null form nonlinearity.
- 15:45 Alex Himonas (Notre Dame), Ill-posedness for a family of nonlinear and nonlocal evolution equations
- 16:15 Claudio Muñoz (Universidad de Chile, Chile), Decay of small perturbations on 1D scalar field equations
- Mercredi 26 juil [McGill U., Burnside Hall, Room 1B23]
- 11:15 Luiz Gustavo Farah (Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil), Instability of solitary waves in the KdV-type equations - Part I
- 11:45 Svetlana Roudenko (George Washington University, USA), Instability of solitary waves in the KdV-type equations - Part II
- 13:45 Walter Craig (McMaster University, Canada), Birkhoff normal form for nonlinear wave equations
- 14:15 Mihaela Ifrim (University of California, Berkeley, USA), Well-posedness and dispersive decay of small data solutions for the Benjamin-Ono equation
- 14:45 Magdalena Czubak (University of Colorado at Boulder), The exterior domain problem on the hyperbolic plane
- 15:15 Dana Mendelson (University of Chicago), An infinite sequence of conserved quantities for the cubic Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy on R