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- Dimanche 23 juillet↟
11 h 00 - 14 h 00 CMS Executive Committee, Salon 401 (4th Floor), Marriott Château Champlain 12 h 00 - 15 h 00 Student Posters Setup, Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont Royal 15 h 30 - 16 h 30 Stephanie van Willigenburg (University of British Columbia), Prix Krieger-Nelson SMC, An introduction to quasisymmetric Schur functions, Symposia (Auditorium), Centre Mont Royal 16 h 30 - 20 h 00 Registration, Level 1 - Hall Symposia, Centre Mont Royal 17 h 00 - 19 h 00 Welcome Reception, Level 4, Centre Mont Royal 19 h 00 - 20 h 00 Robert McCann (University of Toronto, Canada), Prix Jeffery-Williams SMC, Optimal transport between unequal dimensions, Symposia (Auditorium), Centre Mont Royal - Lundi 24 juillet↟
8 h 00 - 17 h 00 Registration, University of Montreal - Hall d'Honneur, next to the Cormier (K-500) Auditorium 9 h 00 - 18 h 00 AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session, Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont Royal 9 h 45 - 11 h 00 Opening, Prizes, University of Montreal, Salle Cormier, K-500 11 h 15 - 12 h 15 Shafrira Goldwasser (MIT, USA), Conférences plénières, Pseudo Deterministic Algorithms and Proofs, Cormier Hall K-500 12 h 15 - 13 h 45 Box Lunch, University of Montreal 13 h 00 - 17 h 00 CMS Student Committee, Salon Habitation A, 3rd Floor, Marriott Château Champlain 14 h 45 - 15 h 15 Break, University of Montreal 15 h 15 - 16 h 15 Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research, USA), Conférences plénières, Gravitational allocation on the sphere and overhanging blocks, Cormier Hall K-500 16 h 30 - 17 h 30 Manuel del Pino (Universidad de Chile), Conférences plénières, Singularity formation and bubbling in nonlinear diffusions, Cormier Hall K-500 17 h 00 - 20 h 00 CMS Publications Committee, Salon Habitation B, 3rd Floor, Marriott Château Champlain 20 h 00 - 21 h 00 Erik Demaine (MIT), Conférence publique, Folding Paper: Visual Art Meets Mathematics, Auditorium, CMR Public Lecture - Erik Demaine, Auditorium, Centre Mont Royal - Mardi 25 juillet↟
8 h 00 - 17 h 30 Registration, Level 1 - Hall Symposia, Centre Mont Royal 9 h 00 - 10 h 00 Rustum Choksi (McGill University, Canada), Conférenciers invités, Geometric Variational Problems with Nonlocal Interactions: Gamow's Liquid Drop Problem and Beyond, Symposia Auditorium, CMR Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University, USA), Conférenciers invités, Weinstein manifolds revisited, Cartier I & II, CMR Héctor H. Pastén Vásquez (Harvard University, USA), Conférences prix du CMA, The abc Conjecture and the d(abc) Theorem, International, Centre Mont-Royal 9 h 00 - 18 h 00 AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session, Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont Royal 10 h 00 - 10 h 30 Break, Mezzannines, Centre Mont Royal 12 h 30 - 13 h 15 Gonzalo Tornaría (Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay), Représentations de Galois et formes automorphes, Waldspurger formula for Hilbert modular forms, McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 115 12 h 30 - 14 h 15 CMS Annual General Meeting, Neufchetal - GH Level (Lobby level), Marriott Château Champlain 12 h 45 - 14 h 00 Early Career Panel, Mont Royal II, Centre Mont-Royal 14 h 30 - 15 h 15 Luis Lomelí (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), Représentations de Galois et formes automorphes, Globalization of supercuspidal representations over function fields and applications, McGill U., Rutherford Physics Building, Room 115 14 h 30 - 15 h 30 Student CV Writing Workshop, Mansfield 5, Centre Mont-Royal 15 h 15 - 15 h 45 Break, McGill University, Various Buildings 20 h 00 - 22 h 30 Cecilia Quartet Concert, McGill University, Pollack Hall - Mercredi 26 juillet↟
8 h 00 - 17 h 30 Registration, Level 1 - Hall Symposia, Centre Mont Royal 9 h 00 - 18 h 00 AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session, Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont Royal 9 h 30 - 10 h 00 Break, Mezzannines, Centre Mont Royal 10 h 00 - 11 h 00 Peter Ozsvath (Princeton University, USA), Conférences plénières, Computing Knot Floer homology, Symposia Auditorium, CMR 11 h 00 - 16 h 00 Career Fair, Foyer, Level 4, Centre Mont Royal 12 h 30 - 14 h 15 CMS Executive, Board and Committee Chairs Information Session, Maisonneuve B- 36th Floor, Marriott Château Champlain 14 h 30 - 15 h 30 Building a Teaching Dossier, Mansfield 5, Centre Mont-Royal 15 h 45 - 16 h 15 Break, McGill University, Various Buildings 20 h 00 - 21 h 00 Étienne Ghys (ENS Lyon), Conférence publique, Embouteillages dans les villes : un problème mathématique ?, Auditorium, CMR Public Lecture - Étienne Ghys, Auditorium, Centre Mont Royal 21 h 15 - 22 h 30 Student Fireworks Outing, Entrance, CMR 23 h 00 - Student Social, Saint-Houblon - Jeudi 27 juillet↟
8 h 00 - 17 h 30 Registration, Level 1 - Hall Symposia, Centre Mont Royal 10 h 00 - 10 h 30 Break, Mezzannines, Centre Mont Royal 12 h 45 - 14 h 15 Gender and Mathematics Panel, Atrium, Trottier Building, McGill University 14 h 00 - 16 h 00 CMS Math Competitions Committee, Salon Habitation A, 3rd Floor, Marriott Château Champlain 15 h 15 - 15 h 40 Dr. Valentin Suder (UVSQ), Applications des mathématiques en cryptographie, Two Notions of Differential Equivalence on Sboxes, Centre Mont Royal, Room Cartier I & II 15 h 15 - 15 h 45 Break, McGill University, Various Buildings 19 h 00 - 20 h 00 Banquet Reception, Centre Mont-Royal 20 h 00 - 22 h 00 Banquet, Centre Mont-Royal - Vendredi 28 juillet↟
8 h 30 - 17 h 30 Registration, Level 1 - Hall Symposia, Centre Mont Royal 9 h 00 - 10 h 00 Harald Helfgott (University Paris Diderot-Paris VII, France), Conférenciers invités, Voronoi, Sierpinski, Eratosthenes, International I (E) & II (F), CMR Jill Pipher (Brown University, USA), Conférenciers invités, Regularity of solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations, Symposia Auditorium, CMR Nicolas Andruskiewitsch (University of Cordoba, Argentina), Conférenciers invités, Nichols algebras, Cartier I & II, CMR 9 h 00 - 12 h 00 AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session, Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont Royal 10 h 00 - 10 h 30 Break, Mezzannines, Centre Mont Royal 10 h 30 - 11 h 30 Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford University, USA), Conférences plénières, Recent progress in multiplicative number theory, Symposia Auditorium, CMR 12 h 00 - 15 h 00 Student Posters Teardown, Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont Royal 13 h 45 - 14 h 15 Ping Wong Ng (University of Luisiana at Lafayette), Classification des algèbres C* moyennables, McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 1 15 h 15 - 15 h 45 N. Christopher Phillips (University of Oregon), Classification des algèbres C* moyennables, McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 1 Break, McGill University, Various Buildings 16 h 45 - 17 h 15 Leonel Robert (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Classification des algèbres C* moyennables, Dixmier sets of C*-algebras, McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 1 17 h 15 - 17 h 45 Luis Santiago (Lakehead University), Classification des algèbres C* moyennables, McGill U., Bronfman Building, Room 1 - Pas d'horaire↟