Últimas noticias

Lunes, Julio 24, 2017

Today, the Mathematical Council of the Americas is proud to announce the recipients of the Americas Prize, the Solomon Lefshetz Medal and the MCA Prize.

See the Prize Recipients page for the recipients' names, citations and detailed information.

All five of the MCA Prize winners will be presenting lectures this week.  See the Prize Lectures schedule.

Martes, Julio 11, 2017

Estimados colegas,
​Dear Colleagues,
Chers collègues, 

Lunes, Junio 15, 2015

The Mathematical Council of the Americas (MCofA) welcomes nominations for the following prizes, which will be awarded on the occasion of the 2nd Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Montréal, Canada, July 24-28, 2017). Nominations must be submitted by e-mail, to the address mca2017.prizes@gmail.com, not later than December 15, 2016

Miércoles, Mayo 27, 2015

El subcomité encargado de sesiones especiales espera recibir propuestas de dichas sesiones. Se invita a los organizadores potenciales a presentar rápidamente las propuestas. La aprobacion de las mismas se anunciará a intervalos regulares antes de la fecha límite, para permitir a los organizadores de sesiones buscar financiación y para dar tiempo a los conferencistas de organizar sus viajes.

Una propuesta debe incluir:

After careful evaluation of two excellent bids presented by the Argentinian Mathematical Union (Buenos Aires) and the Canadian Mathematical Society (Montréal), as well as of the reports of the visits made to both sites, the Executive Committee has selected to grant the organization of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas MCA 2017 to Montréal.

The second Mathematical Congress of the Americas will take place on July 24-28, 2017.